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Shimmer Johnson
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Shimmer Johnson
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New Single "Awakened" Released World Wide August 31 2021 

I'd love for your station to give it a chance to be played!

It's a dreamy uplifting song that I think everyone would enjoy. 

It's 2:59 long and perfect for radio. 


Awakened © Catalyst Records 2021

Written By : Shimmer Johnson, John Parenti 



ISRC:        USHM92117591


Download the MP3 and ARTWORK at this link below


Thank you so much for your time. I look forward to speaking with you soon. 

Thank you for the opportunity. Let me know how the song is doing on your station if its already in rotation. Thank you so much. 


My Direct Email :

Label Email: 

Famous Management : Allan S Gold (310) 248-0891


Shimmer Johnson