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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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Shamans Keep Guest, Brooke Medicine Eagle October 19, 2012
Maker of Beauty, Santuary Creator, Spiritualist, Love Motivator, Oneness Expressionist

I live, love and make beauty at FLOWERSONG - an exquisite orchard garden retreat sanctuary in north central Washington – in a quiet and sweet fruit-growing, ranching valley. FLOWERSONG is dedicated to the expression of love and light which supports the flowering of our two-legged family and All Our Relations.

Please note that I am making available for download some wonderful teachings and music. I’d love to support your life with them, and be supported in turn!

It’s wonderful to be clear, awake and open-hearted at this amazing time on sweet Mother Earth, as the love and light comes in assist her movement into a new and golden time – Lady Gaia at her most beautiful! We passed into this new Age at the end of last year, and are now being showered with the high energies that will help us begin to move ourselves joyfully into a harmonious and abundant way of life. Since this Golden Age is prophecied to be 1000 years long, we are just tiny newborns in it.

One of the Mayan groups speaks of the people of the new time as “people made of honey”, and I love that image. It means we will be SWEET, deeply connected with flowers and creating wonderful, nurturing, healing things for all around us! It’s a practice for me to ask myself, “How can I be made of honey today? What kind of being and doing will help the flowering of life on Earth today?”

My home is named FLOWERSONG, which comes from the teachings shared by the wisdom teachers of the Americas who studied the Dawn Star’s ways in the central American temples and then came back north, spreading loving wisdom about the flowering of the Earth and All Our Relations. We will built the new world on these ways.

Shamans Keep Guest, Raymon Grace October 12, 2012
Empowerment Coach, Dowser, Consultant, Author, Mountain Man, Teacher, Water Energizer, Violent Crime Fighter, Shamanistic, Media producer

Raymon Grace, a native of the mountains of Virginia, has spent the past 35 years empowering folks to gain more control of their lives. His work reaches people on wide social and economic levels.

With a unique and down-to-earth manner, he teaches in a style that characterizes his life. He is known as a dowser, consultant, author and Mountain Man.

Lecture tours have led him across North America, speaking to a wide variety of audiences.

His work and teaching have been used to reduce violence in schools, eliminate abuse of women and children as well as physical and mental benefits for indivduals.

He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows including the well know "Coast to Coast AM Radio."

His work with energizing water is being used in several countries.

He has worked with law enforcement officers in both U.S. and Canada to successfully reduce violent crime.

He says among the compliments he appreciates the most from his students are, "You have made difficult subjects so easy to understand and use to benefit our lives.'' & "I no idea this class contained so much information, you have put me on overload.''

The Raymon Grace Foundation has been established to further his work. Visit the website at

He has authored three books.

"The Future is Yours - Do Something About It" which combines mind development, shamanism, dowsing, healing, and self-empowerment.

"Techniques That Work For Me” is an advanced dowsing manual.

"Seasons of April - How to Help Your Kids Succeed", tells how he used mental techniques and positive thinking to raise his daughter April.

He has also created a DVD for purifying and energizing water and a DVD for clearing energy in homes & schools, along with several other instructional DVDs & CDs.

His "Techniques" book has been translated into four languages and all of his books are translated into Chinese.

Shamans Keep Guest, Claudia Pinto September 28, 2012
Activist, Environmentalist, Conservationist, Bank Business Developer, Asset Capital Manager, Wilderness Preservation Educator, Traveler, Volunteer

Claudia Campos, a passionate Activist and committed Environmentalist, was fortunate to grow up in the beauty of the Andes, the world's longest continental Mountain Range. Born in Bogota, a spectacular high plateau in the Andes mountains at 8600ft above sea level, she enjoyed a subtropical highland climate and spring-like weather year-round. Claudia was fortunate to be raised with an innate appreciation for Nature by her Parents, Nohrita and Guillermo. They instilled in Claudia from an early age the value of Conserving Water and Electricity and Planting Trees for the sake of future generations. These valuable lessons became an integral part of her life and many years later led her fiercely to RAVENS-WAY WILD JOURNEYS!

Shamans Keep Guest, Claudia Pinto September 28, 2012
Naturalist, Ethnobotanist, Wildlife Biologist, Wilderness Survival Instructor, Conservationalist, Educator, Earth Steward

Vincent Pinto, Naturalist, Ethnobotanist, Wildlife Biologist, and Wilderness Survival Instructor Vincent Pinto has been teaching people of all ages, interests, and backgrounds about the Natural World since 1987.  As a passionate Conservationist, Vincent strives to educate and inspire within a framework of Environmental Stewardship and Earth Sustainability.  He has led countless individuals and groups throughout the country on Nature Adventures & Educational Programs on a myriad of fascinating topics: Ethnobotany , Natural History, Conservation, Bird-watching, Tracking, Stone-age Skills, Wilderness Survival Skills, Astronomy, Wildlife Habitat Restoration, Earth Stewardship, Sustainable Living Practices, and much more!

Shamans Keep Guest, Angeles Arrien September 21, 2012
Cultural Anthropologist, Author, Educator, Consultant, Lecturer, Workshop Facilitator, Psychologist, Independent Publisher, Scholar

Angeles Arrien, Ph.D. is a cultural anthropologist, award-winning author, educator, and consultant to many organizations and businesses. She lectures and conducts workshops worldwide, bridging cultural anthropology, psychology, and comparative religions. Her work is currently used in medical, academic, and corporate environments. She is the President of the Foundation for Cross-Cultural Education and Research. Her books have been translated into thirteen languages and she has received three honorary doctorate degrees in recognition of her work.

Angeles' books include The Four-Fold Way: Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Teacher, Healer and Visionary; Signs of Life: The Five Universal Shapes and How to Use Them, (Winner of the 1993 Benjamin Franklin Award); and The Second Half of Life: Opening the Eight Gates of Wisdom, (Winner of the 2007 Nautilus Award for Best Book on Aging). Her recent book, Living in Gratitude: A Journey That Will Change Your Life is a Gold Medal Co-Winner of the 2012 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY Award) in the category of Inspiration & Spirituality.

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