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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 19 April 2021

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Donna Seebo Show Guest, John Murphy November 19, 2013
Author, speaker, leadership coash, and business consultant

All too often, organizations implementing operational excellence (OE) do so without addressing the human and cultural implications of such a change strategy. They conduct studies, move equipment, reduce work in process, collocate employees and change measurement systems, all focusing on minimizing waste and improving the flow of value through the value stream, but they overlook the human impact of these changes, the mindset and belief system that must accompany it. As a result, they find themselves “reworking” the initiative, an unfortunate and wasteful irony. Be it manufacturing, service, administration or product development, the result is the same. Without clear understanding, buy-in and commitment, the initiative does not lead to sustained culture change. It simply fades into history as another “flavor of the month.”

Recognized as an international expert on leading culture change, John Murphy helps organizations address this issue head on. The author of 15 books on related topics, and a guest on over 400 radio and television stations, Murphy teaches leaders worldwide how to integrate the culture piece (of OE) with the systems, structural, and “tools” components. Approaching the change process with an integrated strategy leads to powerful, measurable, sustainable results.

Donna Seebo Show Guest, Susan Martinez November 18, 2013
Archeologist, Historian

Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D., is a writer, linguist, teacher, paranormal researcher, and recognized authority on the Oahspe Bible with a doctorate in anthropology from Columbia University. The author of 3 books, including Time of the Quickening, she is the book review editor for the Academy of Spirituality and Paranormal Studies

Donna Seebo Show Guest, Ronna Prince November 15, 2013
Writer, Producer & Film Maker

Ronna Prince, Founder, Modern Mastery™, Global Wholeness Corp, Intuitive Counselor, Coach, Workshop Leader and Inspirational Speaker

RonnaRonna Prince is the writer and producer of Sacred Journey of the Heart, a film about the science and spirit of our connection. She is also an intuitive counselor and coach, a guide to sacred sites around the world and a songwriter. Ronna created a step-by-step personal growth process that she trademarked as Modern Mastery™. She guides clients through the process of transition and creating a new reality that aligns with each person’s unique talents and dreams.

Ronna presents workshops throughout the US on topics of spirituality and conscious change-creation. She is a certified Radical Forgiveness Coach, an aura-soma practitioner and a licensed teacher of the Institute of HeartMath™ tools and techniques. Ronna’s goal with the film, Sacred Journey of the Heart, is to encourage viewers to “dive in” and to make the connection to their hearts and to the hearts of all.  We are connected and the place of connection is the heart.

The film is part of a larger project that Ronna envisioned in 2005 entitled “Global Wholeness.” Global Wholeness Corp is a non-profit corporation whose mission is to bring healing and wholeness to oneself, our communities and the whole earth through the power of love. Global Wholeness supports projects that bring healing and wholeness to communities through charitable giving.

Shamans Keep Guest, Claudia Pinto November 02, 2013
Activist, Environmentalist, Conservationist, Bank Business Developer, Asset Capital Manager, Wilderness Preservation Educator, Traveler, Volunteer

Claudia Campos, a passionate Activist and committed Environmentalist, was fortunate to grow up in the beauty of the Andes, the world's longest continental Mountain Range. Born in Bogota, a spectacular high plateau in the Andes mountains at 8600ft above sea level, she enjoyed a subtropical highland climate and spring-like weather year-round. Claudia was fortunate to be raised with an innate appreciation for Nature by her Parents, Nohrita and Guillermo. They instilled in Claudia from an early age the value of Conserving Water and Electricity and Planting Trees for the sake of future generations. These valuable lessons became an integral part of her life and many years later led her fiercely to RAVENS-WAY WILD JOURNEYS!

Shamans Keep Guest, Claudia Pinto November 02, 2013
Naturalist, Ethnobotanist, Wildlife Biologist, Wilderness Survival Instructor, Conservationalist, Educator, Earth Steward

Vincent Pinto, Naturalist, Ethnobotanist, Wildlife Biologist, and Wilderness Survival Instructor Vincent Pinto has been teaching people of all ages, interests, and backgrounds about the Natural World since 1987.  As a passionate Conservationist, Vincent strives to educate and inspire within a framework of Environmental Stewardship and Earth Sustainability.  He has led countless individuals and groups throughout the country on Nature Adventures & Educational Programs on a myriad of fascinating topics: Ethnobotany , Natural History, Conservation, Bird-watching, Tracking, Stone-age Skills, Wilderness Survival Skills, Astronomy, Wildlife Habitat Restoration, Earth Stewardship, Sustainable Living Practices, and much more!