From Shelter Dog to Service Dog with Janice Wolfe on BBS Radio!
For The Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe, Show #17, on BBS Radio!
Tonight's show began with revisitng the teaching of the Buddha: The cup is already broken, or as Shusara would say, the only thing permanent here is impermanence. Shusara answered the question of how ego is different from mind. We then looked at the need for people to begin objectively observing their own personality and stop playing the victim role. Having a sense of humor and living in kindness were both encouraged and elaborated on.
Having our feelings hurt is so common and so painful and such a source for all kinds of toxic and addictive behaviors. You'd think we'd make it a more integral part of our educational training, but alas, we live in a society that is a little slow on the emotional uptake.
So, in our quest to probe subjects that have profound influence on our lives, this episode of "Insight Out--the Naked Truth." focuses on hurt feelings. We do a little de-construction of the issue and see if we could reveal its illusionary nature and the vapid beliefs it's founded on.
The classroom is the place where students as young adults begin to think. Let’s not compromise the only hope they have to find truth and balance in everything they experience in life. Everyone puts their own spin on everything; lets find a good enough reason to put limits on our egos and ambitions to smother individuality and wrought it into the image of ourselves. The proverb for this evening’s show by Victor Hugo: “The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.”
Lena Live with Lena Miremonde and cohost Julian Lampert. Discussing Nelson Mandela and playing music!
For The Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe, Show #16, on BBS Radio!
Layne Dalfen, Gestalt Counselor, and dream analyst is a published author, who founded The Dream Interpretation Center in Montreal in 1997. Layne's focus is introducing the general public to the value of decoding our dreams. She does this by teaching easy to grasp ideas about how to uncover the solutions to our current issues that appear in our dreams every night.
The Beauty Files with Juanita with Juanita Dillard. Today's guests include William Cane, The Art of Kissing author, Kesha Faison, Pure Elegant Oils and Dr. Jeffrey Banabio, The Derm Blog