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Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne Silver

Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne E L Silver

Guest, Sharon Carne

Talk Revolution with Dr Paul Sambataro

Talk Revolution with Dr Paul Sambataro

Topic: Culture as an adaptive mechanism for cognitive function


The Veterans News Hour with David C. Cory and Richard Hurley

The Veterans News Hour with David C Cory and Richard Hurley

TAPE 1:  Seeking treatment for alcohol problems and PTSD (3:48)

TAPE 2:  A combat Veteran overcomes many challenges after an IED blast  (4:54)

TAPE 3:  Connecting with others to find a fulfilling life  (5:15)

Dan Cirrino, RN, Owner of Pure Force Fitness Sports Training featuring the innovative Rock Steady Boxing program for Parkinson’s returns along with Tracy Schy, Founder/CEO of JAL Fitness Consulting & former Master Instructor for Flywheel  Sports Chicago. Then, it’s 'The Sports Doctor Is In' with your questions and emails!

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr. Susan E. Kolb

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb and guest Tricia McCannon

Topic: Atlantis Ascension and the Circle of Healing

Don’t Panic It’s Organic with andy Lopez aka Invisible Gardener

A New Mosquito is here! The Asian Tiger! This species is even more difficult to control and more deadly than some of its cousins. Unlike their cousins, they prefer humans and will attack you if they find you have exposed your legs, they attack below the knee and will attack you several times and are very aware of your presence. Which makes it hard for you to hit them. The most important thing to realize is that this species spreads a variety of deadly diseases. I'll help you learn to take control of this insect - organically of course!

Embrace Your Sphere of Influence with Lexa Rollins

Embrace Your Sphere of Influence with Lexa Rollins with Cohost AJay Matta

Guests, Tammy De Mirza and John Nastav (I. M. Waiting)


Guest, Tammy De Mirza

On The Level with JLouis Mills

On The Level with JLouis Mills

Eating Disorders with Miss M

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Dare To Dream with Debbie Dachinger

Guest, Kimberly Meredith

Fab and Fem Zone with Bonnie Gayle and Mia Saenz

Fab and Fem Zone with Mia Saenz and Bonnie Gayle

Sexy Vagina with The Founder of Sex Butter Bonnie Gayle