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Crazy Sexy Midlife Love with Morgana Rae-Galaudet and Devin Galaudet

Crazy Sexy Midlife Love with Morgana Rae-Galaudet and Devin Galaudet

Taking live calls and answering questions about love and weddings around the world.

Nothing's more fun than hearing from YOU!

Today's we heard from a caller is getting married in a few weeks (yay!) and had questions about our 100 weddings around the world.

We discussed travel, destination wedding locations, wedding vows, traveling on a budget, compatibility, what makes a great relationship and lasting love, how to make your partner (and yourself) happy in love.

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Every Day Peace with Dr Dravon James

Protect Yourself from Viruses, and Learn How to Cope with Your Stress

Francis Parnell, M.D., practicing otolaryngology and head-neck surgeon, shares his findings on nasal and mouth sprays that protect against COVID. Plus, licensed psychotherapist Nita Vallens, Psy.D., gives tips on coping with stress.
Paradigm Shifters with Veronica Entwistle

Paradigm Shifters presents Dr. Maria Putney and your immune system

This week on Paradigm Shifters:

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger and guest Tandy Pryor

Mental Health 360 with Dr. Susan J. Lindner and guest caller Victoria

The Goal: To spread mental health resources to others.

Relevant Talk with Athalia Monae

Relevant Talk with Athalia Monae and guest Dustin Wagner

Relevant Talk with Athalia Monae

Relevant Talk with Athalia Monae

Athalia was born and raised in Chicago, IL, and is a mom of two young adults. Last year, during the Pandemic, she self-published her first book “Why the Secrets”, a story about a family secret that caused a lot of hurt, confusion, frustration, and division. There are multiple messages here, which include the importance of open, honest communication, and how having it in this situation, could have alleviated all of this.

The Sports Doctor with Dr Robert Weil

The Sports Doctor with Dr Robert Weil

Guests, Robert Andrews and Joel Franco

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guests Pia Orleane, PhD & Cullen Smith, James Armstrong and then Q and Dr. Libby Rutledge

1st Guests: Pia Orleane, PhD & Cullen Smith

2nd Guests: James Armstrong, Q - the Letter before "R" and Dr. Libby Rutledge,

James Armstrong

From Canada. Channels messages from Adama of Telos and speaks about the Hollow Earth

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr, co-host Michiko Hayashi and Spanish interpreter Teresita Landin and guest Dr. Carolyn White

Dr. Carolyn White (Guest)

From Olympia, Washington

Dr. Carolyn White has a Ph.D. in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)