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Guest Name
Wachan Bajiyoperak
Wachan Bajiyoperak, Healer, Medicine Man, Musician, Tour Facilitator and Inca Lineage
Guest Occupation
Healer, Medicine Man, Musician, Tour Facilitator, Inca Lineage
Guest Biography

Wachan Bajiyoperak,

Since early childhood Wachan was introduced by his father in the healing arts. Don Bonifacio (Chunta Chullu) a "Hamautta", a high Inca priest - keeper of the wisdom and knowledge, and he gave Wachan the gift of the Ancient sacred Inca healing arts.


These are "levels" where a medicine man is trained.

As Pampamisa you have to be able to recognize the healing powers of the plants by the taste and the smell and be able to speak and listen to them.

As Chaupimisa you are able to connect, understand and work with the powers of Mother Nature and be guided by our sacred mountains, called Apus or vortex, mountains with a great amount of healing Powers and high energy frequencies.

As Hananhamisayoc you have to create magic and perform what they call miracles using the herbs, the ceremonies and the sacred sound. These were part of our daily life, before Christianity and conquistadores came to our Nations .

Everything in our universe is Pachakamaqs - Gods manifestation of unconditional love. Our universe is fulfilled with Hatun sonqo (unconditional love). Our Ancestors taught us to live with love and respect to our Pachamama - Mother Earth.

Many historians ridiculed our Ancestors by saying that the Indians worshiped the mountains, the rivers, the water falls and animals as Gods. Our ignorance nowadays will not allow us to understand the teachings of the Golden Age people, the Intiq Churinkuna, Children of the Sun - my Ancestors, the Inca people, were people of the light.

Just looking at the megalithic monuments they built, you are amazed with so many questions inside you.

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors were performing brain surgeries and traveling along the universe - this is something we don’t understand yet.

I’ve been so lucky to spend most of my life inside these monuments - Sacsaywaman. I feel like this is my inner temple. I spent most of my life there, just listening to the stones - our Grandpas and Grandmas whispering to me about the wisdom and knowledge of our Ancestors, the sacred valley all the way to Machu Picchu and Choqekirao, deep into the jungle, is the way to the K’apaccnan (path to enlightenment) where the Golden Age people are still alive.