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Guest Name
Stephen Sakellarios
Stephen Sakellarios, Sound Archivist, Documentary Producer, Audio and Video Editor, Counsellor and Photographer
Guest Occupation
Sound Archivist, Documentary Producer, Audio and Video Editor, Counsellor, Photographer
Guest Biography

Stephen Sakellarios is a video/audio archivist, producer and editor living in Myrtle Beach, SC. He has a master's degree in Counseling and Human Systems from Florida State University (unused professionally). He began a serious interest in fine-art photography in 1986, and moved into video production in 1990 as an extension of his photography. He started a video production company, Gold Thread Video, in 1997, and shortly thereafter he began work on "In Another Life: Reincarnation in America" as a personal project. He put the project together primarily by networking over the internet, with practically no resources except those available through his small video business, trade-outs, occasional small financial donations and donations of services, such as illustration.

Stephen has studied reincarnation, the topic of "In Another Life", since 1973. However, he had primarily studied Eastern teachings on the subject, his strongest influences being the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, Rumi, and Meher Baba, who he began following in 1974. When Stephen began working on "In Another Life" in 1997, he started educating himself on Western research and studies, identifying the main people in the field and successfully contacting a number of them for interviews.

This is Stephen's first documentary as producer. When he first moved from still photography into video, as part of his training through "community access television," he produced a series called "Universal Language" about international music in Atlanta. He was editor for videos entitled "Mehera, Meher Baba’s Beloved" and "Meher Baba's Trust" which are distributed world-wide by Meher Prasad. Recently he was commissioned by Meher Prasad to shoot and edit an on-site visitor's introductory film for the Meher Spiritual Center in Myrtle Beach, SC, and now archives and edits audio and video materials for that Center and a related organization, Sheriar Foundation.