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Guest Name
Sherri Bausch
Sherri Bausch
Guest Occupation
Multidimensional Energy Practitioner, Light Language Channel, Artist, Transformational Coach
Guest Biography

Sherri Bausch is a Multidimensional Energy Practitioner, Light Language Channel, Artist and Transformational Coach, who works deeply in the Quantum Field. 

She intuitively helps people connect the dots of their energy to bring forth rapid, positive shifts for living in their true alignment and wellness. 

Her passion is supporting the release of trauma, negative blocks, mindsets and beliefs, so individuals can accelerate into deeper creativity and embodiment. 

Her clients include Starseeds, Creatives, Empaths, Awakening Souls, and Professional women struggling with Autoimmune disorders, such as Relapse Remitting MS. 

Sherri also channels the Galactic realms for Starseeds through art, bringing through pen and ink 'star maps' with information about their mission here on Earth.  


YouTube: Sherri -  @sherribausch – at: