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Guest Name
Ron Coleman, Grey Wolf
Grey Wolf Walk for Freedom!
Guest Occupation
air force veteran, Grey Wolf Walk for Freedom!
Guest Biography

Grey Wolf Walk for Freedom!

Air Force Veteran walking across America against govt overreach

He goes by the name Grey Wolf as that is his trucking business name.

If you are willing to speak to him I am including his email or you can contact me.

He is not getting the media coverage from the MSM so we are getting some from local towns he travels through, but not enough, we need country wide coverage and that is why I am contacting you, I feel you can give him that coverage.

He first started with The Peoples Convoy and when he met with Senators Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson in DC, he ask Ted Cruz what was needed to get things done and he replied, we need people, they need to be involved. So When the TPC broke up, Ron decided to do the walk and meet people along the way. He is very knowledgeable in the constitution, and the ways of the political world, but he is non partisan, he feels that All Americans need to be awakened and see what is going on around them. He informs and tells it it like it is.

He has a youtube, and Rumble live stream and another website for your review.

He is 62 years old and as I said an Air Force Veteran. He is followed by a 1967 Beechwood RV as a support vehicle.

I am one of his Admins who does his logistics and phone calls and also one of his mods on the chats. I have known him since February.

All I can tell you is this in a nut shell, he loves this country and fighting like hell to get it back and out of the hands of destructive people in the white house and congress. He is humble and is saddens him that people are not waking up. So he is doing all he can to change that.

So I hope I have given you enough. I am also attaching a pony express flyer to show what he intends to do with the letters he collects along the way.

Thank you for your time and I will be awaiting your reply


Donna Prue--Admin for Ron Coleman


Meet Singer/Songwriter Steve Spurgeon (“Wake Up in the USA” and “Let’s Save America”) at the Meet and Greet on Saturday, October 8th in Beatrice, NE.

Meet and Greet, Saturday and Sunday (Oct 8-9, Noon to 6pm) in Beatrice, NE with special guest appearance by Steve Spurgeon on Saturday. Location to be announced later today.

Friday, October 7 through Monday, October 10 – the team will be at the Chautauqua Park Campground, 9th Street & Grable Avenue, Beatrice, NE 68310 for 3 nights. If you live in the area, stop by and say hello. We’d love to meet you! Be sure to bring your letters for the Pony Express bag.

For future Nebraska stops, please click here

For future Missouri stops, please click here

Webinar with Dr Pierre Kory (FLCCC) and Grey Wolf from Wednesday, September 28. Watch the replay here:

Watch this space for details as they develop. 

Download, print and share the Grey Wolf Pony Express flyer here.

Words of the day “Government Overreach”!

Our Constitutional Freedoms are being eroded right before our eyes❗️ 

“We The People” are the answer to stopping THEM from taking them away❗️

Let’s show THEM who they really work for❗️

“WE” need to take our country back❗️