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Guest Name
Paul Hammond
Paul Hammond
Guest Occupation
Co- Founder of I Am Fine
Guest Biography

Iamfine is the brainchild of Colin and Paul Hammond. Colin lives in the UK while his brother Paul lives on the west coast of America.  They designed Iamfine to help them both keep in touch with their mother Isobel who lives alone in Florida.

The brothers regularly speak to their mother and visit several times a year, but busy schedules mean they struggle to check on her every day. Although in her mid-90s, Isobel is healthy, plays golf twice a week, lives in her own home and loves life.  Like many elderly people living alone, she is fiercely independent and doesn’t want her sons to be worrying about her.

Iamfine was built to ensure they both have peace of mind that their mother is OK each day.  With many years of technology and software experience, they set out to build Iamfine as a robust, reliable and scalable service.  Living so far apart, they made sure the system could communicate with a wide circle of family and friends, meaning that if Isobel ever missed a check-in, her friends living locally could pop in to ensure everything was fine while keeping the brothers informed.

Iamfine hasn’t replaced the visits or regular calls, but has simply supplemented the communication and care for the person Colin and Paul care most about - their mum!

We have both been involved in software companies and large technology projects.  We understand how to build and maintain a robust, reliable and scalable service.  Paul helped design one of the first VOIP cloud platforms at and Colin has led many large software projects for several major UK companies and founded the AI software tool Scopemaster.