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Patrician Ellen West
Patrician Ellen West
Guest Occupation
Traditional credentials with non-traditional schooling in music, yoga, world scriptures, and on-the-job training
Guest Biography

Patrician Ellen West combines a rare blend of education, with an array of traditional credentials with non-traditional schooling in music, yoga, world scriptures, and on-the-job training. Pat has studied at Himalayan Institute in India from a master, and trained along-side pioneers of the holistic health movement. Author of The Common Sense Book of Change.

Author of;

  • The Common Sense Book of Change is an easy-to-read introduction to the time-tested decision-making manual, the Chinese I Ching.

  • Two Sides of a Coin: Lao Tze’s Common Sense Way of Change is a version of the Tao Te Ching that underscores its connection to I Ching and yoga science.

  • Conscience: Your Ultimate Personal Survival Guide supplies background to explain how and why the I Ching is such a powerful and effective tool. Essays on change give examples of how to apply the underlying philosophy to daily concerns.

  • Rethinking Survival: Getting to the Positive Paradigm of Change is a personal reflection on Einstein’s warning, “We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” It offers an innovative structure and helpful method for approaching personal change.

  • The Positive Paradigm Handbook shows how change agents can personalize the Wheel of Change. It includes a step-by-step method for putting the Life Wheel into action and introduces the MPI (Motive–Purpose–Intent) Standard used to increase self-awareness.