Nicole Borghi is AKA Sabotage Smasher, a Speaker Podcast Host and Soulful Coach using her Empathic ability to look within the Shadow Self (Inner Child) to understand the hidden issue. She empowers her clients to possess a meaningful relationship with “True-SELF”, others, nature and the spirit world. She assists them in moving forward beyond limiting beliefs, reduces stress & depression, unhealthy habits and rewiring the brain. Nicole guides clients on how to go within and seek genuine self-inquiry to thrust forward into a greater self-dynamic. She shares life hacks; simple steps to integrate into today's fast-paced society. Taking the teachings of the old world traditions and merging it into fun, fascination and real time magical transformation., join me August 19th 2021 at 12Noon as I will have the best conversation with the Sabotage Smasher herself :)