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Guest Name
Miceal Ledwith
Dr. Miceal Ledwith, L.Ph., L.D., D.D., LL.D, Priest, Professor, Theologian, Lecturer, Teacher, Scholar and Author
Guest Occupation
Priest, Professor, Theologian, Lecturer, Teacher, Scholar, Author
Guest Biography

Dr. Miceal Ledwith, L.Ph., L.D., D.D., LL.D (h.c), served as a Catholic priest and as Professor of Theology and College President for over 25 years in Ireland.  During the course of his academic and administrative careers he lectured extensively to interested adult groups in many countries and continues to speak at venues all over the world today.   He is a long-time member of Ramtha's School of Ancient Wisdom and has been invited to speak at Events held by the school for several years at many venues throughout the world.   He was one of the scholars featured in "What the Bleep Do We Know," and its sequel "Down the Rabbit Hole."

Given his life's experience and long years as a professional theologian Miceal Ledwith believes he is in a unique position to assist people who are also searching for information and answers, and to point the way so that they too can move towards finding the journey of discovery which he is on.   To assist in that way is the objective of both the DVD series and his forthcoming major work, "Forbidden Truth." His book "The Orb Phenomenon," co-authored with the German physicist Dr. Klaus Heinemannand his DVD "The Phenomenon of Orbs" are available.