Lisa Marie is a professional speaker, executive coach, consultant, and workshop facilitator specializing in feminine leadership and a regular blog contributor to the Huffington Post.
At age 8 my father died abruptly and my mother became emotionally unavailable for many months. I can distinctly remember believing that I was not as good as other people, because I didn’t have a dad. The feeling snowballed into a major inferiority complex throughout most of my childhood. Around adolescence, I began blossoming and made the decision that the more insecure I felt in any situation, the higher I would hold my head to appear outwardly confident. Though this started as a coping mechanism for feeling insecure and intimidated, I unknowingly was learning how to “act as if” and eventually I truly did become confident.
In the business world, this attitude born of my childhood trauma worked to my advantage, and I confidently pursued my career. It was natural for me to bite off more than I could chew, but I just kept focused on what I brought, and trusted that I could figure the rest out as I went along. I spent over 20 years in senior sales and marketing roles at hi-tech Fortune 500 companies and was recognized as one of the 200 most influential women in my industry. I went after what I wanted, stayed focused on my goal, instead of where I lacked.
In my personal relationships, specifically the romantic ones, I could not have been more opposite. My childhood wounds of feeling abandoned, and subsequently, ’less than’ translated into; I am not okay without a man. Over and over again, I gave my power and worth away to keep a boyfriend, partner, or husband. It was a pattern that created immense suffering throughout much of my adult life and led me down the path of a 15 year personal development and spiritual journey to finding peace and happiness within.
Then, as if a brick hit me over the head, my true “a-ha” moment came. I realized there were many women in the world experiencing the same thing that I had experienced. I knew with certainty that my healing and transformation on the personal side, combined with my years in a successful corporate career, had groomed me perfectly to work specifically with professional women. I could work with them to develop the clarity, courage, and confidence to play big and lead authentically by overcoming self-doubt. I could use my experience to encourage other women to use their inherent natural feminine strengths.
I love working with women to ignite their own passion and purpose, and most importantly realize that, they are the one they have always been waiting for. I now work to create a bridge that connects the conventional business world to personal development and mindfulness – It is fulfilling work that I love!