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Guest Name
Karen Sherman
Dr. Karen Sherman, Psychologist, Self Empowerment Facilitator, Motivator, Marriage Counselor, Speaker, Therapist, Writer, Columnist and Author
Guest Occupation
Doctor, Psychologist, Self Empowerment Facilitator, Motivator, Marriage Counselor, Speaker, Therapist, Writer, Columnist, Author
Guest Biography

Karen Sherman, a NYS licensed psychologist, has been in private practice for 25 years. Now, Dr. Sherman is taking her experience to the public, making her Empowerment: the Art of Choice workshops and seminars available to groups and organizations rather than just private clients. All are individually designed to cater to the specific interests and learning styles of the people who seek her expertise.

Dr. Sherman moved into motivational psychology and marriage counseling from her own troubled past. As someone who grew up under difficult circumstances, Dr. Sherman developed a keen awareness of others problems. Drawing on personal experience as well as academic training, she relates to a much broader arc of life situations than most.

Dr. Sherman sees her role as a facilitator of those difficult choices. Her mission is to assist others in freeing themselves from their own past cycles of behavior, as she freed herself.

Many of the concepts and tools are expressed in her book, Mindfulness and The Art of Choice: Transform Your Life.

As an expert in relationships, Dr. Sherman has also co-authored Marriage Magic! Find It, Keep It, and Make It Last, with communications expert Dale Klein; it is a compendium of wisdom earned through both her professional and personal experiences.

Dr. Sherman is frequently interviewed as an expert by the news media and is a guest on radio and TV. She also serves on the faculty of CW Post University on Long Island, New York, where she resides with her husband. She has two daughters, a son-in-law, and two grandchildren.