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Guest Name
Jim Channon
JIm Channon, Shaman, Spiritual Motivator, Keynote Speaker, Author, Futurist, World Business Academy Fellow, Visionary, Lieutenant Colonel, First Earth Battalion Devoloper, Warrior Monk, Soldier
Guest Occupation
Shaman, Spiritual Motivator, Keynote Speaker, Author, Futurist, World Business Academy Fellow, Visionary, Lieutenant Colonel, First Earth Battalion Devoloper, Warrior Monk, Soldier
Guest Biography

"Future shock is not one big idea," Jim Channon whispered from the podium, "it's a thousand little ones."

How many business conferences open with a masked and robed master of ceremonies calling in the "muse" of the future of business? At the Global Mind Change Forum put on last weekend in Santa Barbara by the World Business Academy, that's exactly what Channon did - and the muse appeared, singing, dressed in a blue feathered robe, and slowly crossed the stage while Channon fell to his knees.

Channon is billed as America's first "corporate shaman," and is the originator of the popular concept of "corporate visioning," but he's also got the chops - and the credentials - to be taken very, very seriously, having worked as a consultant for ten of the world's hundred largest companies, and as lead futurist and educational technologist for the U.S. Army. His theatrical presentation marking the opening of the three day seminar was well received by the energized, if mildly astonished, audience of 250 business people from around the world, most of whom looked more like Men's Wearhouse customers than seekers of aboriginal wisdom.

As Channon closed his speech to great applause, one businessman who had come all the way from Great Britain turned to another and said in a tone of scandalized glee, "Can you imagine that guy speaking in London?!"

Jim Channon says he’s a shaman at heart, To AT&T, Du Pont, Whirlpool and others, he’s a consultant.

“Three things are missing from almost every organization I’ve been through,” he says “A sincere desire to love each other in a a brotherly way, an ability to incorporate spiritual values in their work, and an ability to do something physical together.” On all three counts he thinks modern corporations could learn from tribal cultures: “Just because those guys can’t make toasters doesn’t mean that singing together, dancing together, and telling stories around a fire isn’t a damn good thing to do.”

As a keynoter you won't get another podium bound pundit with a prearranged list of magic bullets. Jim doesn't do information. Jim will take you on a trip to tomorrow and load your imaginal mind with charged imagery that invites you into your own best choices... the choices that will make the difference in your world and the world of your enterprise.

He has illustrated and verbally charged the visions of ten of the worlds largest corporations. He is a model of creativity in an unforgettable combination. He has a "whole being intelligence" and all who witness this in action will have a new model of how to move into the future with all their senses working as one. He can aim a group at the precise vision they have suggested and evoke the deepest feelings of resolve to launch them on that path.

For the time he is with you he will be your futurist. And, since he leads the World Business Academy fellows on their quest to determine the best planetary vision for the next century .... he has the brain power of many of the worlds finest visionaries ... in his pocket. Because of his graphic language you will be able to see even your most complex maneuvers come clear. Imagine a football play without a chalk talk? Jim can do twelve dimensions on the same 1 X 2 meter white board. No more wandering in the dark. And he can finish it all off with an uncompromisingly beautiful strategic illustration you can use for years.