Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, is a board certified internist and Medical Director of the national Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers and Chronicity. He is author of the popular free iPhone application "Cures A-Z," and author of the best-selling book From Fatigued to Fantastic! (Avery/Penguin Group), Pain Free 1-2-3 (McGraw-Hill), Three Steps to Happiness: Healing Through Joy (Deva Press 2003), Beat Sugar Addiction NOW! (Fairwinds Press, 2010), and his newest book Real Cause, Real Cure (Rodale Press, July 15, 2011). Dr. Teitelbaum knows CFS/fibromyalgia as an insider — he contracted CFS when he was in medical school and had to drop out for a year to recover. In the ensuing 25 years, he has dedicated his career to finding effective treatment.
Dr. Teitelbaum does frequent media appearances including Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News Channel, the Dr. Oz Show and Oprah & Friends.
Dr. Teitelbaum lectures to patient, physician and research groups internationally. He is the lead author of groundbreaking “gold standard” research on effective treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, which was published in the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, volume 8, number 2 in 2001.
In April 2002, he was editorialized in the Journal of the American Academy of Pain Management, where his integrative treatment protocol was recognized as “standard of practice” for chronic pain conditions.
His latest study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine focused on the effects of a unique 5-carbon sugar called D-ribose for Fibromyalgia patients. The research found that 2/3 of the patients studied showed improvement after only 12 days of therapy. The average increase in energy was 45 percent, with an average 30 percent improvement in well-being. Corvalen, a proprietary D-ribose product of Bioenergy Life Science, Inc., is designed to improve the metabolic health of hearts and muscles and is used to provide nutritional support to sufferers of fibromyalgia, CFS and cardiovascular disease.
His website provides a free, patented, symptom analysis program that can create a complete medical record of a patient's case and a treatment protocol to help patients and physicians determine the best course of treatment to get well.
Guest Name
Jacob Teitelbaum
Guest Category
Guest Occupation
Internist, Medical Director, Author, Fibromyalgia Expert, Lecturer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Researcher
Guest Biography