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Guest Name
Fred Matser
Fred Master, Humanitarian, Financier, Developer, Spiritual, Communicator, Creative Thinker and Advisor
Guest Occupation
Humanitarian, Financier, Developer, Spiritual, Communicator, Creative Thinker, Advisor
Guest Biography

Fred Matser is an inspiring humanitarian who, like many others, cares deeply about the future of the planet. He has made it his life’s work to contribute towards creating a more functional society by means of inspiration and empowerment. Towards this end he has been a (co-) initiator, (co-) creator and (co-) financier on a wide range of projects and 19 foundations in both The Netherlands and abroad since 1983. The projects as well as the foundations cover the fields of healthcare, environment, conservation, peace and global transformation.

Born into a Dutch family of modest means and raised within the frugal post-war environment, he later went on to head one of the, at that time, largest independent real estate development companies in the Netherlands and later on to devote large sums of money to charitable projects both at home and abroad.

He volunteered for the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Organizations (now Federation) in Switzerland where he ran the Child Alive Program. Its goal was to help and educate people on the grassroot level in developing countries on how to reduce child mortality due to the dehydration from diarrhoea.

Matser experienced tragedy at a young age with the infant death of an older brother, later the death of his younger brother and the long-term serious illness of his father, who suffered from diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. These experiences, amongst others, led him to develop a strong sense of compassion and awareness of the suffering of others.

Matser had responsibility and leadership thrust on him from an early age. When only in his mid-twenties he was already responsible for a staff of over 150 and a multi-million pound turnover, having been appointed Chief Executive Officer of his fathers’ real estate development company and supervising subsidiaries. He was also appointed to leadership roles in various other business and sport associations both nationally and internationally and did studies in economics and business management, as well as in parapsychology.

In his 30’s he had some unexpected paranormal and transcendental experiences, triggered by encounters with Uri Geller and others. These included a profound experience of ‘Oneness’ with God, an awareness of the paranormal abilities inherent in everyone and the letting go of fear. These experiences expanded his awareness and produced a dramatic shift in his worldview and beyond. From that point on he has devoted much of his time to increasing his understanding about life and to contributing towards the betterment of society. Matser is a keen communicator and creative thinker. In his real estate development work he and his team have created a number of unique, innovative, large-scale projects that have been widely acclaimed. In his humanitarian work he has initiated or contributed to a number of significant and original humanitarian projects including Peace Child, Child Alive Program for Red Cross,  Fred Foundation, StartFund, Malaria No More and The Twinkling Eyes Club.

On several projects he has had the privilege of working in close association with many inspiring people including several well-known people, such as Mikhail Gorbachev, Ruud Lubbers, Patch Adams, Jerry Jampolsky and Jane Goodall. He served on the board of the Jane Goodall Institute from 1998 untill 2012. He has also participated in various international events for global transformation including the State of the World Forum and in September ´06 in the table of free voices in Berlin, an initiative of Dropping Knowledge.

From  2007 till 2011, Fred headed the Dutch campaign for 'Malaria No More. ' Some of the campaign’s goals are to supply 'bed nets' (mosquito nets for beds) to help eliminate malaria in a sustainable way and to contribute to creation of consciousness around malaria within the context of primary healthcare.

Matser is married and has three daughters from his first marriage and a step- daughter from his second. He lives in the Netherlands and now devotes most of his time to humanitarian projects.

For his work, Fred Matser has received several awards including the first international Caring Award in Washington, USA in 1992, which was later awarded to individuals such as Mother Teresa and Jane Goodall.  He also received the Van Emden Award in The Hague, The Netherlands in 1995.

Positions currently held by Fred Matser:

Board Member:
              Global Security Institute
               Fred Foundation
              StartFund Foundation  

Advisory positions:
             Member World Wisdom Council Club of Budapest
             Member wisdom council Center for Human Emergence
             The Heart of America Foundation
             Foundation for Natural Leadership
             Personal advisor to Mikhail Gorbachev in his capacity of Founder/ President of  
             Green Cross International                              

Member of:
            Evolutionary Leaders