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Guest Name
Eva Perlman
Eva Perlman
Guest Occupation
Holocaust Survivor, Storyteller, Author,
Guest Biography


“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Albert Einstein

Eva was born in Berlin, Germany in 1932.

Her family survived WWII by hiding in the mountains of southern France.

Following her childhood in Germany and France, she has lived in Israel, Switzerland, England, Uganda, Canada, and now the U.S.

She has had several careers in many fields including healthcare, and her goal is to help people maintain and improve their health.

She was married for 32 years, has three children, six grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

She has always been a wonderful storyteller, and now published her autobiography: “Eva’s Uncommon Life

Guided by Miracles.”

Eva’s Uncommon Life – Guided by Miracles is an extraordinary life story that begins in hiding in the south of France during World War II, narrowly escaping capture by the Nazis. Eva Perlman’s autobiography details the first of many miracles that kept her family alive and permeated her long and rich life. After adventures, travel and hardships she ultimately found her purpose as a Holocaust survivor educating Jewish teens on the annual March of the Living. Perlman brings pearls of wisdom, humor and joie de vivre to her tale of love, loss and choosing happiness.

Eva, not only is your story so inspiring, but your genuine love of life is amazing.

Your jokes kept me laughing when I needed to feel good. Your conversation kept

me listening when I needed to be inspired, and your story kept me learning when

I needed to gain perspective.

-Bryan G., Student, BIE March of the Living, 2012

Eva’s positive outlook, ability to overcome hardship, and the ways in which she

has used her experiences to teach others about tolerance and respect are models

we should all strive to emulate in our own lives. This memoir is a beautiful and

honest reflection on a life well-lived

Maya Aharon, Director, Teen Experiential Education Programs, Builders of Jewish Education, Los Angeles