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Guest Name
Dr Shani fox
Dr Shani Fox to be Guest on Holistic Health Show
Guest Occupation
Naturopathic Physician
Guest Biography

Dr. Shani Fox, ND,  helps cancer survivors create lives of wellness, authenticity and joy.  Her leading-edge “Back in Charge!” medical care model picks up where conventional cancer treatment ends, helping survivors restore vitality of body and spirit, prevent recurrence and reclaim the healthy, happy future they so richly deserve.

Dr. Shani’s empowering messages about your innate power to generate wellness and happiness have made her a popular national speaker, radio guest and guest blogger for cancer survivor and wellness communities, including Cancer Survivor Radio, The Frankie Boyer Show, Five to Thrive and NOU, the magazine of the Women Survivors Alliance.  She is the author of The Cancer Survivor’s Fear First Aid Kit: 5 Simple Steps to Release Your Fear of Cancer Recurrence and has been published in the peer-reviewed Natural Medicine Journal.  Dr. Shani serves survivors across the nation through live and innovative virtual programs.

Dr. Shani’s free assessment “How Cancer-Proof Are You?” helps pinpoint ways you can stay cancer-free, so you can relax into deep wellness and peace of mind.  Take your free assessment today at