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Guest Name
Dr Paul Haider
Dr Paul Haider
Guest Occupation
Spiritual Teacher and Master Herbalist
Guest Biography

Author and Speaker - in the areas of Spirituality and Herbalist for over 20 Years

Check out my posts on Spirituality & Herbal Medicine on FB
under Dr. Paul Haider & on Twitter under paulhaider
And my on-line spiritual centre on FB under "Center for Creative Living" on-line.

Skype: drpaulhaider (send interview invite)
Minister for "Center for Creative Living" in San Juan, PR

Ph.D. in Religious Studies, Emerson Institute, Oakhurst, CA
B.A. Degree, Psychology, Stress Management, The Union Institute, Sacramento, CA
M.S. Degree, Religious Studies, The Emerson Institute, Oakhurst, CA
A.A. Degree, Biological Sciences, Yuba College, Marysville, CA
A.S. Degree, Certified RVT—Research Associate, Cosumnes River College, Sacramento, CA
Yoga Master—Extensive work in the yoga for years.
Master Herbalist -- for over 20 years
QiGong Master—He has been teaching the mind/body experience of QiGong for years.
Master Meditation Instructor—Teaching Meditation to thousands of people.
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Mind Body Training Center, Sacramento, CA
Certified Past Life Regression Therapist, Mind Body Training Center, Sacramento, CA
Certified Massage Therapist, Mind Body Training Center, Sacramento, CA
Certified Reiki Level Three Practitioner, Master Skip James, Santa Cruz, CA
Certified Photographer, Glen Fishback School of Photography, Sacramento, CA
Specialized Training—Fitness Instructor, EMDR, NLP, Mindfulness, Color Therapy, 

Ordained Minister

Specialties: Dr. Paul Haider is a well know author on spirituality and herbalism 
His books “Relax into Success” and “21 Ways to Live a Stress Free Life in Only 21 Days” have sold countless copies.