After a long, creative life as a combination wife, mother, musician, teacher, ordained deacon, and real estate entrepreneur, Dorothy May Mercer simply could not completely retire. And so, she took up a new career as author/publisher and president of Mercer Publications & Ministries, Inc.
In the seven years, since, she has written and published more than forty books of her own, and co-authored and published numerous others for her new author friends all over the world, whom she has mentored, advised and taught. Her books are available in digital, print and audible format, in English and Spainish editions. Links to all her books are available on Mercerpublications.com and Amazon.com.
During her time as a Deacon, she served as a Certified Director of Music, and as a Certified Director of Healing and Wholeness ministries, serving churches and leading healing seminars in churches across the United States. Many will remember her Christian healing mediation tapes which were sold in the United States and Canada.
Now retired from the ministry, she continues to support various causes and help others with her writing and publishing.
Dorothy's time is full, but she manages to squeeze in a few appearances in person and on radio talk shows, speaking about her book publishing and marketing, answering questions and teaching others how to do it. Her most recent appearances at the Villages in Florida brought out a standing room only crowd, to hear her speak about the growing world of indie-publishing and how to write and publish your own book.
If you just want to meet an amazing woman, you will enjoy spending time with Dorothy May Mercer.
Short Fun Stories by Dorothy Mercer
Volume 1 was such a hit, we now have a second collection, entirely new, different and wonderful. Short & Fun Stories, Vol. 2 anthology is designed for the busy person with a few minutes to escape. Within these pages are twelve of the best writers in the business and nineteen innovative stories, articles and poems. You will laugh, cry and shiver, just like with any great novel. The advantage here is that you will get right to the meat of the action, within minutes, without frills.
Unlike other short story collections, this one is by several different authors, thus the variety is beyond wonderful, it is awesome!
Publisher: Mercer Publications & Ministries, Inc.
Go Here for a link: http://mercerpublications.com/vol2shortstories.html