A profound near-death experience enhanced what author, healer and spiritual teacher Alex Hermosillo (HER-MO-SEE-OH) was already born with —a unique gift to heal. To date, he has helped over 7,000 people dealing with physical , emotional, spiritual illness or chronic pain, often with miraculous and spontaneous results. His new book, A True Story of the HOPE, HEALING and MIRACLES details his extraordinary journey to Heaven, Angelic encounters and miraculous healing abilities, along with inspiring client success stories and take home techniques that anyone can do. He is the founder and creator of Mastery of Energy Healing, a simple, non-invasive healing technique that helps individuals return to their natural state of health, well -being, and joy. Alex also teaches healing practitioners, nurses, physicians and anyone interested in healing. With love,
compassion and a light heart , Alex provides guidance from his innate connection with the Angelic and Heavenly realms, and shares with us now how to tap into our God-given ability to heal ourselves and assist others in healing, so we all may experience a peaceful happy and heal thy life, what he calls “Heaven on Earth.”
Alex has had profound healing and spiritual experiences in his life. In 1996, the gift of healing was awakened within him when a woman handed her dying baby girl to him and she spontaneously healed. Soon after, another gift was given to
Alex through a near-death experience in a hospital emergency room where he learned there is no death—only a new beginning. Now, he is one of the most highly sought after spiritual healers and teachers in the world. For over ten years, Alex has been offering energy-healing services and has assisted in healing from ailments, including heart disease, cancer, tumors, chronic migraines, grief, depression, and much more. He is the founder of Mastery of Energy Healing, a healing center located in Phoenix, AZ and in addition to his book that chronological his life experiences and the wisdom he gained on ‘the other side,’ he also recorded a therapeutic audio meditation CD, “Meditation to Heal your Mind, Body & Spirit: I Now Release, I Now Bring In.”
With the gift that was given to Alex, along with his experiences of healing, research and dedication, he developed a quick, simple and effective energy healing method called, Mastery of Energy Healing (M.E.H.). M.E.H. is a gentle, non-invasive healing technique that assists individuals in releasing the energies and memories of non-nurturing thoughts, emotions and patterns that cause illness. Through the MEH releasing process, individuals experience a release
of anxiety, stress, worries, fear, confusion, and aches and pains, allowing for greater clarity, peace of mind and relief from symptoms of illness.
This simple yet powerful technique allows an individual to heal emotionally, mentally and physically. With great devotion to humanity, Alex touches the lives of thousands through his one-on-one private sessions, group sessions, healing prayer requests, lectures and classes. He travels nationally, as well as offers his services from his home base in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A. He has presented at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, the International Association for
Near-Death Studies, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Southern Arizona Veterans Health Care System and the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. He has been featured on Fox 10 News, ABC-15, and CBS-5 (Phoenix), and more.
You can listen/read further information here:
Fox News Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTfikf50Z_U