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Hello Doug and Donald. Thank You, again, for the NEW Statistical Analysis OPTION for Hosts. It has really been useful and handy. Thank You!!! Thank You!!! It is WONDERFUL!!! ~ Joel A.


Hello Doug and Donald. Thank You, again, for the NEW Statistical Analysis OPTION for Hosts. It has really been useful and handy. Thank You!!! Thank You!!! It is WONDERFUL!!! ~ Joel A.


We had a great conversation about the after life topic and connection with our loved one from other side.Why we feel separated from the source ,why do we now have to work on cooperation if we want to make as species and much more ....


Having Tom today on the show as my guest was a wealth of information .From planets, cycles and benefit of astrology in presonal life and business.About tthe new childern coming in bringing totaly new energy and delighted to hear that astrology can be benfitial for childern especialy who are sensitive by understanding they chart that can bring great help to can find out more by listening  to the show archive and you can find out more about Tom also by going to his website


I love your BBS radio and all the interesting viewpoints you give a voice to.
A big thank you for answering the phone, too.~ Linda


I love your BBS radio and all the interesting viewpoints you give a voice to.
A big thank you for answering the phone, too.~ Linda


I love your BBS radio and all the interesting viewpoints you give a voice to.
A big thank you for answering the phone, too.~ Linda


I love your BBS radio and all the interesting viewpoints you give a voice to.
A big thank you for answering the phone, too.~ Linda


I love your BBS radio and all the interesting viewpoints you give a voice to.
A big thank you for answering the phone, too.~ Linda


I love your BBS radio and all the interesting viewpoints you give a voice to.
A big thank you for answering the phone, too.~ Linda