On the Double with Double S Xpress with Shawn Walli and Sean Boyd

On the Double with The Double S Xpress sports talk show; Sports Broadcasting; Play-by-Play; Analysis; Commentary; Insight; Interviews; Public Address
Mission: To provide the best play-by-play & analysis of all sports in the broadcasting world.
Description: Shawn Walli & Sean Boyd; a dynamic duo on the microphone in the sports broadcasting world.
Information: The Double S Xpress was born in Tacoma, WA in 2005. Shawn Walli & Sean Boyd joined forces to call Tacoma Thunder IBL basketball games on 1180AM KLAY. Shawn & Sean freelance for the major sports networks like NBC Sports, ESPN, CBS Sports, & MLB Network to name a few.
Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting
Watching the Seattle Mariners on TV, at the young age of 10, I told my mom that I wanted to be just like Mariner broadcaster Dave Niehaus. Since that day I have been working toward a career in sports broadcasting. While focusing on media courses at South Puget Sound CC in Olympia, WA, I was the final sports intern at KSTW-TV in Tacoma. While taking Broadcast Production at Bates Tech. in Tacoma, I was a sports intern at KING-TV in Seattle. At KING I was able to interview Alex Rodriguez after his first game back in Seattle with the Texas Rangers. In October of 2000, I started freelancing for the major sports networks in Seattle, Spokane and Portland. I have worked many sporting events including: the 2001 MLB Home Run Derby, NCAA Basketball Tournaments, the 2003 Apple Cup, countless Seahawk games, and the 137the Kentucky Derby. I joined forces with Sean Boyd in 2005 as the radio broadcast team for the Tacoma Thunder. The Double S Xpress could be heard on KLAY 1180-AM.