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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 24 April 2021

Divine Manifesting with Christy Whitman

Divine Manifesting with Christy Whitman
Show Host:
Christy Whitman

Christy Whitman is the founder of and Christy is the best-selling author of Perfect Pictures (GMA Publishing). Perfect Pictures, which helps people free themselves from the idea that they must always be infallible, has been received with great acclaim – as has Christy’s other book, Why Did She Choose Suicide? (GMA Publishing). Why Did She Chose Suicide? helps people move through the pain caused by the suicide of a loved one, and enables these survivors in the healing process.

Today, my mission and passion is teaching others how to engage these universal principles – the Laws of Attraction, Abundance, and Allowing, to name a few – to attract their ideal partners, create their ideal bodies, become more empowered parents to their children, and magnetize success and abundance in every part of their lives. Through my books, seminars, coaching programs and weekly newsletters, I will show you how to manifest whatever it is you desire – not by teaching you theories, but by sharing the true-to-life turnaround moments that marked my transformation and the transformations of all those I have worked with.

I invite you to come with me on this journey of self-discovery and personal empowerment. I guarantee you will become amazed by yourself, inspired by all that you can be, do and create, and fall madly in love with yourself and your life!

Christy Whitman

Christy Whitman
Radio Talk Show Host, Author, Founder of a Couching Academy, Creator

Biography From:

I am like a lot of people, actually: I’m in my early 40s. I’m married. I am the mother of two boys, ages two and three. I have a busy life, a household to run, and a full time job (several of them, actually ). I have lived through a divorce, my sister’s suicide, and the open heart surgery of my newborn son. I am also a New York Times bestselling author of three books, the founder of an internationally acclaimed coaching academy, and the creator of a library of personal development programs that reach over 100,000 people each month.

I am passionately in love with my husband, Frederic, who is also my business partner. I take time out every day to laugh with, talk with, and roll around on the floor with my kids. I work out regularly, get a massage every Saturday, take fantastic vacations, and have plenty of “me” time to dream, to go out with friends, or to kick back and just do nothing. Oh yeah, and I’m also making more money than I ever dreamed possible!

Just in case you’re wondering; this was not always my reality!

In fact, just fifteen years ago, I was unhappy with virtually every aspect of my life. I was thirty pounds overweight and nearly $60,000 in debt. I worked at a job I hated, and had a knack for attracting the “wrong” kind of men. I tried everything I could think of to change the circumstances of my life, believing that affecting outer change was the key to being inwardly happy. Nothing worked, and as a result, my life felt like a constant, uphill struggle.

So, how did I get from where I was then to where I am today? The answer is simple: I learned about the Universal Laws that govern deliberate creation, I applied them in my life, and I immediately began manifesting all the things I had ever wanted – spontaneously and effortlessly.

Today, my mission and passion is teaching others how to engage these universal principles – the Laws of Attraction, Abundance, and Allowing, to name a few – to attract their ideal partners, create their ideal bodies, become more empowered parents to their children, and magnetize success and abundance in every part of their lives. Through my books, seminars, coaching programs and weekly newsletters, I will show you how to manifest whatever it is you desire – not by teaching you theories, but by sharing the true-to-life turnaround moments that marked my transformation and the transformations of all those I have worked with.

I invite you to come with me on this journey of self-discovery and personal empowerment. I guarantee you will become amazed by yourself, inspired by all that you can be, do and create, and fall madly in love with yourself and your life!
