Debs the Horoscope Lady with Deborah Dillard

"The Sidereal Astrology Perspective"
Deborah DillardDebs discusses career, family, relationship, planetary and world events using sidereal astrology. Her guests include other leading sidereal astrologers and the occasional celebrity who has found sidereal astrology useful.
Call Debs during the show with questions on career, family and relationship topics. She needs your birth date, time and place to provide the most accurate answers. If you are asking about someone else, have as much of their birth information as possible. You can e-mail and hear your answers on air. Include your birth date, time and place. Put BBS Radio in the subject line (so our office angel, Mary, knows which show or publication you listen to or read.) Each week the number of email questions answered will depend on volume and relevancy.
Talk Radio Show Program Information Displays
Deborah Dillard
Debs got interested in astrology researching for a term paper called “Why Astrology is Bunk” in 1975. She failed the assignment but found her niche in life.
Her new book "Gift Giving By The Stars" is the practical guide for buying and receiving gifts blending etiquette, sage advice and sidereal astrology. Read sample chapters and try out the Gift Profile service on The book can be purchased at, and your favorite bookstore. Libraries and retail establishments can order Gift Giving By The Stars by Deborah Dillard from Quality Books, 800.323.4241 or My Tomato Publishing 571.229.5098 phone, 571.299.5085 fax.
Have your kids listen to Debs the Horoscope Lady on Rick Adam’s Radio KOL (kids on line) show, broadcast over AOL. Debs can usually be heard live every Wed, 6:30 to 7:00 pm ET espousing sidereal astrology to enthusiastic listeners. Children can call in or email her at All answers on air. Look for her on the AOL Living site in 2007. She has served as the president of Astrological Association of Northern Virginia for three terms and lectures when her schedule permits.
Deborah’s consultations are predictive with detailed timing best assisting clients making career, business and financial decisions. She will consult on health and relationships, including group and family dynamics.