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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 24 April 2021

Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron

Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron
Show Host:
Ron Amitron, Light Embassador

The Lightship is Creation's Manifestation Center. It surpasses all Earthly written concepts of the Creation process. The Lightship with its Pure Light Energy contains the spiritual blueprints of all manifestations created in the language of Light.

Tune into the Creation Lightship Healing BBS Radio Show to experience this Divine Lightship and its teachings. During the show the Light Being's picture will be activated with "Living Light Energy" while you watch. This is amazing to witness.

The healing offered from the Lightship will be active only during the live broadcast; the healings will not work when listening to an archived show. You do not need to have a particular belief system to receive these Lightship healing benefits.

Creation Lightships' Divine Light Beings offer their assistance through Body~Mind~Spirit Healings. Visit our website to access all of our healings. The Creation Lightship Healings are the same healings Jesus used 2000 years ago.

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Ron Amitron
Mount Shasta
Radio Show Host, Spiritual Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Creation Lightship Contactee, Divine Light Being Doctor, Master Vibrational Light Frequency Healer

“My Earth Mission is assisting people
in reclaiming their personal Spiritual Identity.”
- Ron Amitron

Ron Amitron is one of the truly profound enlightened Spiritual teachers of our time. Ron cuts through illusion, allowing clarity of vision, bringing forth Creation’s sacred knowledge and a true connection to our Divine Authentic Self. He discloses the dark agenda’s spiritual deception and harmful control over humanity!

Ron Amitron - Throughout my lifetime on Earth I have experienced conscious communications, guidance, assistance, attunements and Divine Intervention from the Lightship.

I observe life on this planet and report my findings back to the Creation Lightship. I have the ability to instantly bi-locate to the Creation Lightship and communicate with the Divine Light Beings and Ja-ne-na, Commander of The Healing Arts University's Fleet.

This is my first lifetime to Earth in over 3000 years. I am conscious of living two lives at one time; one as The Head of The Healing Arts University Fleet and second as a human living on Earth.

My Spirit did not go through my body's earth birthing process. The Fleet's consciousness energy watched over my body until the 6th month. At this time I arrived to reside in the body. Since it was pre-planned that my body would be for me, and because I came in at such a young age, I do not consider myself a walk-in.

Having a Divine Light Being Doctor Spirit with no recent incarnations on Earth, life has always felt strange to me here. I will not go into it in depth, but I see the lack of compassion towards others. I could see where people's energy patterns were out of balance and I started helping them to bring their energy systems back into balance. My healing sessions are usually held over the phone with individuals having private healing sessions. I also facilitate phone Lightship conference call healing sessions. During these sessions each person receives individual attention from the Divine Light Beings. The healings are just as effective as if the person is physically in the room with me.

I have seen many instantaneous physical, emotional, and spiritual healings over the past 25 years. Many people report their healing as in-depth, life shifting and self-empowering. The reason for this is simple; I am assisted by the Lightship's Divine Light Beings who are performing these healings.

I have really enjoyed the many wonderful people that I have had the pleasure of meeting and assisting on Earth. I have received many testimonials from people that have expressed their heart-felt thankfulness for the instantaneous healings they have received. People say they feel relaxed, calm and peaceful during their Lightship Healing Session. I receive many email testimonials from people who have received wonderful Healings from the Divine Light Beings.

Feedback for BBS Radio Talk Show Programs


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Ron, the love energy you bring in from the Creation Light Ship is amazing! The love energy from the archangels, angels, saints, orbs, dolphins, whales, turtles, crystals, light beings, etc... is so wonderful! I try my best to listen to all your shows! ~ N.B.


Hi! I am grateful to BBS for airing the "Creation Lightship" show. I decided to participate in a 4 hour "Telehealing" call with Ron on Sat. and I'm sure glad I did!! I had a sprained foot that day. It was very painful, swollen and I couldn't walk on it.I had asked the "Light Doctors" to help heal my foot.After the call I was not only able to walk with little discomfort I was able to wear my new heels and go to a dance club to see my best friend's performance that same night!! Thank you to Ron and the "Lightship doctors" You're the real deal, you get the job done!! Sincerely, ~ Elizabeth Chapman


Hi Ron... Thought I would give you have few comments from yesterdays CLS 1 hr session before I forget what happened. 1st off we have squirrels and wild rabbits in our yard along with hummingbirds sometimes and lots of birds. We had almost zero animals before working with CLS. My word we live in the middle of town! this is real wild! You'd think we were in the mountains or something! We only have about 20'x40' of yard! and no one else in town I know of has any wild rabbits camping under there pine trees or snoozing in the middle of the lawn out in the open while cars pass by! My friend Joel saw one in the middle of the yard and his eyes where as big as marbles! (you got wild rabbit sitting in the middle of your yard!) He was even more amazed when we pulled into the driveway about 8 feet or so from it and it just sat there! and they aren't scared of me or Adrianna! This is totally wild Ron! No one believes me when I say we have wild rabbits in the yard and we can come up to them! It is totally wild you can get within 5 feet and they don't run off they want to stay in the energy so they just move a little to keep clear of you stepping on them and continue to mellow out in the energy. I tell people it is a wild jack rabbit and they don't believe me. Wild jack rabbits don't hang out in cities and then just move out of the way like a pet dog and keep hanging out at the house! Anyway I try to take the whole yard up on the lightship every time... ~ Kyle


Hi Ron It has been three weeks or more since I went through the Emotional Healing process, and I am happy to report some gratifying yet subtle results. The word 'Detachment' pretty much sums it up. I have found myself in several situations where normally one of my buttons would be punched, and I would get very angry. Now I have detachment and recognize my anger as merely a habitual response. I see two plus sides to most events now, and my point of view is similar to what a 'fly on a wall' would see. This new position I find myself in contains so much more wisdom; more wisdom than I thought I had! I want to also relate that this change did not occur overnight, but took two weeks to integrate into who I consciously think I am. I feel very good about this change.... ~ Frank


I attended your monthly ascension conference call on Saturday. It was an amazing experience as usual working with your avenues. There was on point on the call when we were instructed to get a bottle of water and as I get up and walk around the energy becomes more apparent to my attention. When I come back to the room I find my self playfully "dancing". So here I am dancing in my room and you state "the the light being are going to shoot energy to the top of us." I feel this very strongly and a reinforcement of your words "ask for healing" comes over me. As I am playfully engaging in the moment I go within and feel my body. I feel my more deficient areas and request these areas to be cleared as you state "now we will send energy through the bottom". Clearing more and more with the beings as I request and feel these patterns that are no longer suitable. More and more clearing on the heart, more and more clearing on the mind, more and more clearing on the central tube. A gentle love replaces the old. Thank you for helping clear these old patterns. They allowed me to have an amazing experience in nature this week that was greatly assisted by my ability to operate without these old patterns. This experience in nature was highlighted by a uncontrollable laughing as I weaved the energy I was working with through my energy circuits. ~ R.P.


Thanx for the radio shows you have on BBS, I really enjoy every time being there. I usually feel all the vibrations produced during the show, especially on the Lightship. ~ Zv.   (Slovenia)


Dear Ron~ I have participated three times. This time I was able to be here at the beginning. It is an amazing and peaceful time and I enjoy what I hear in your voice and the way you have presented this service. With deep gratitude, ~ Carol


I want to thank you for a profound experience at the New Living Expo in San Francisco. After the light infusion chamber sessions, I experienced a shift in my sight, everything appeared to be brighter and I felt lighter and happier! The emotional healing was also very powerful and I was left with a feeling of peace and calm. ~ Lori   (New Living Expo)