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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 24 April 2021

Country Joes Chicken Show with Joe Barber

Country Joes Chicken Show with Joe Barber, banner
Show Host:
Joe Barber

Joe Barber - Host of Country Joe's Chicken Show, farmer and businessman! Joe is interested in all things poultry!

Talk Show Program Archives for Podcasting

Country Joes Chicken Show, October 24, 2012 with Joe Barber the Florida Chicken Whisperer
Country Joes Chicken Show, October 17, 2012 with Joe Barber the Florida Chicken Whisperer
Country Joes Chicken Show, October 10, 2012 with Joe Barber the Florida Chicken Whisperer
The Debut of Country Joes Chicken Show, October 3, 2012 with Joe Barber the Florida Chicken Whisperer
Joe Barber
Talk Show Host, Farmer, Businessman, All Natural Pet Product Developer, Chicken Savant

Joe Barber, Country Joe the chicken guy

- Host of Country Joe's Chicken Show, farmer and businessman!

- Joe is interested in all things poultry!

Having a small farm in Florida we of course had a problem with fleas and ticks on our animals. I found nothing more annoying than sitting on the couch with my dog and watching fleas crawl over him. After trips to the vet for the normal pest treatment which lasted maybe a week (less if he went in the pool with us which he loves) I was again watching the fleas. Since I have some background in making all natural creams and soaps for my family I started working on an All Natural flea killer. After much trial and error, The Last Scratch was born. I can't tell you how exciting it was to spray my dog and watch the fleas fall to the floor. Since he is a Jack Russell he tends to have senstive skin so I wanted something that would be good for his skin. It is a safe Natural flea killer for puppies and kittens also.

When my dog has been out for the afternoon I mist him down when he comes in paying close attention to his underbelly and rear, where fleas love to hide. I also brush him down to get out the dead fleas and ticks. The spray and the shampoo will kill fleas, flea eggs and ticks. You can spray as needed depending on how much time your dog spends outside and where you live. There is no need to apply chemicals on your pet, The Last Scratch is ALL NATURAL. It is safe for carpet, furniture and pet bedding.