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Upcoming Headlined Shows

Headlined Show, Why Life Is... November 7, 2014
A Small Crack in Illusion - The Beginning of the Unification of Light
Headlined Show, Sri and Kira Live November 16, 2014
You are Infinite and you are Awake!  After her near death experience from cancer in 1989 Kira Raa has shared extensively about the…
Headlined Show, Sri and Kira Live November 30, 2014
Planetary Ascension and Shakti Exchange!  What is happening to your world?  Part Two After a month of energy exchange, world…
Headlined Show, Sri and Kira Live November 23, 2014
The Myth of Ebola and the Truth of your Healing Power The “threat” of Ebola is a myth that is being propagated to assist humanity to stay…
Headlined Show, Sri and Kira Live November 9, 2014
Awakening Expanded Consciousness through Human Technology harming our future? As technology gains greater presence in our…
Headlined Show, Sri and Kira Live November 2, 2014
Humanity is at a crescendo moment and ancient wisdom is now ready to be revealed with greater clarity and presence.  Sri & Kira…
Headlined Show, Reach For It Radio Show November 6, 2014
Energy Report for November 2014. Would you like to find out what is in store for you this month energetically? What about the upcoming…
Headlined Show, Why Life Is... October 31, 2014
Encore Presentation of "Why Life Is..." originally aired 8/24/12 Preparing for Physical Death
Headlined Show, Reach For It Radio Show October 30, 2014
Psychic Vampires, who are they and what to do about it! Do you feel your energy drained when around certain friends, family members, or…
Headlined Show, Quantum Mindfulness Radio October 27, 2014
The Spark and the Highly Sustained Message from the Heart: The Rekindling of Humanity's Flame with Special Guest Dee Wallace  …