Upcoming Headlined Shows
Headlined Show, Ask Kadian June 19, 2016
Worth vs. Self-Worth: Do you know the difference Not receiving or receiving a drizzle of what you desire is directly related…
Worth vs. Self-Worth: Do you know the difference Not receiving or receiving a drizzle of what you desire is directly related…
Headlined Show, The War Report on Public Education June 19, 2016
The Role of Philanthrocapitalism in the War on Public Education - Part 2 Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington…
The Role of Philanthrocapitalism in the War on Public Education - Part 2 Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington…
Headlined Show, Why Life Is... June 17, 2016
Advanced Consciousness Series: Advanced Methods of Spiritual Discipline
Advanced Consciousness Series: Advanced Methods of Spiritual Discipline
Headlined Show, Catalytic June 14, 2016
Some of us find the spiritual path, and some of us are found by the spiritual path. City planner Tom Lumbrazo was driving alone in…
Some of us find the spiritual path, and some of us are found by the spiritual path. City planner Tom Lumbrazo was driving alone in…
Headlined Show, Insight Out...the Naked Truth June 14, 2016
When asked, "who is your audience?"sometimes my response is, "our work is for people who take themselves too seriously or who don't take…
When asked, "who is your audience?"sometimes my response is, "our work is for people who take themselves too seriously or who don't take…
Headlined Show, Shadow Politics June 12, 2016
Let’s look at the latest developments in the race to the White House! As President Obama, Jesse Jackson & the Democratic Party endorse…
Let’s look at the latest developments in the race to the White House! As President Obama, Jesse Jackson & the Democratic Party endorse…
Headlined Show, Social Work Today June 12, 2016
Have you ever lost a pet you loved dearly? Most of us have gone through this. Our topic is: Grieving the loss of our pets. For many people…
Have you ever lost a pet you loved dearly? Most of us have gone through this. Our topic is: Grieving the loss of our pets. For many people…
Headlined Show, Insight Out...the Naked Truth June 12, 2016
Apparently, as of this week Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee for president and, apparently, Donald Trump will be what the…
Apparently, as of this week Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee for president and, apparently, Donald Trump will be what the…
Headlined Show, The War Report on Public Education June 12, 2016
The Role of Philanthrocapitalism in the War on Public Education Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington Miller Jr.…
The Role of Philanthrocapitalism in the War on Public Education Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington Miller Jr.…
Headlined Show, Inspire Possibility Show June 8, 2016
I just had a fantastic debut show on BBS radio. Check it out. http://bbsradio.com/podcast/inspire-possibility-show-june-8-2016
I just had a fantastic debut show on BBS radio. Check it out. http://bbsradio.com/podcast/inspire-possibility-show-june-8-2016