Upcoming Headlined Shows
Headlined Show, Chuck and Julie Show June 28, 2021
Guests, Patti Kurgan and Bruce Baker Progressive Democrats are using smoke and mirrors trying to con conservatives into supporting another…
Guests, Patti Kurgan and Bruce Baker Progressive Democrats are using smoke and mirrors trying to con conservatives into supporting another…
Headlined Show, Raising Expectations June 28, 2021
Monday: Sen. Ted Cruz’s father- Rafael Cruz Rafael Cruz, father of Senator Ted Cruz will join Congressional candidate Charles…
Monday: Sen. Ted Cruz’s father- Rafael Cruz Rafael Cruz, father of Senator Ted Cruz will join Congressional candidate Charles…
Headlined Show, Candidates Platform June 26, 2021
Our guest is Mike Russell is from Shreveport, Louisiana and got his undergraduate in finance at UOFA and his MBA from UCLA. He comes from a…
Our guest is Mike Russell is from Shreveport, Louisiana and got his undergraduate in finance at UOFA and his MBA from UCLA. He comes from a…
Headlined Show, Chuck and Julie Show June 25, 2021
Former scumbag head of the Colo GOP accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from a Pro-Trump PAC. Matt Arnold with Campaign…
Former scumbag head of the Colo GOP accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from a Pro-Trump PAC. Matt Arnold with Campaign…
Headlined Show, The Sports Doctor June 23, 2021
Rob Stolker, Founder of Hummingbird Sports, Best-Selling Author & Girl’s Lacross Helmet Advocate joins me along with Sarah Greene,…
Rob Stolker, Founder of Hummingbird Sports, Best-Selling Author & Girl’s Lacross Helmet Advocate joins me along with Sarah Greene,…
Headlined Show, Paradigm Shifters June 22, 2021
Paradigm Shifters presents Ryan Bowman This week on Paradigm Shifters: What is it all about? This marijuana thing - once a big problem, now…
Paradigm Shifters presents Ryan Bowman This week on Paradigm Shifters: What is it all about? This marijuana thing - once a big problem, now…
Headlined Show, Kozmic Kids June 23, 2021
This week's discussion will be on Soul Retrievals. Be sure and tune as Dr. Vikke shares the many benefits you can receive from this ancient…
This week's discussion will be on Soul Retrievals. Be sure and tune as Dr. Vikke shares the many benefits you can receive from this ancient…
Headlined Show, Shadow Politics June 20, 2021
CALL FOR ACTION!!!!! For the second time in American history, the Homeland Security & Government Affairs Committee of the United States…
CALL FOR ACTION!!!!! For the second time in American history, the Homeland Security & Government Affairs Committee of the United States…
Headlined Show, Shadow Politics June 13, 2021
Our guest is High School Elected Class Speaker Verda Tetteh, a Massachusetts high school student who made an unexpected announcement during…
Our guest is High School Elected Class Speaker Verda Tetteh, a Massachusetts high school student who made an unexpected announcement during…
Headlined Show, Here We Stand June 13, 2021
Exclusive! Today on Here We Stand: Conversations with an Insider at 3 pm pacific Our guest today is an indigenous survivor of a residential…
Exclusive! Today on Here We Stand: Conversations with an Insider at 3 pm pacific Our guest today is an indigenous survivor of a residential…