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Here We Stand

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett
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Exclusive! Today on Here We Stand: Conversations with an Insider at 3 pm pacific
Murdered children, Lejac Catholic Indian school, 1937
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Exclusive! Today on Here We Stand: Conversations with an Insider at 3 pm pacific
Our guest today is an indigenous survivor of a residential school death camp and hospital who has insider knowledge of the depth of the crime and the enduring coverup of the evidence of the Canadian Genocide.
Our show will also feature more insider reports of the real story behind the Kamloops mass grave dig and the upcoming actions of the Canadian government to conceal the crime further.
Join your host Kevin Annett - Eagle Strong Voice today, Sunday June 13 at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern and 11 pm GMT at .
Hitting the mainstream media: Kevin Annett on Edmonton TV:
Murder by Decree by Kevin Annett