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Ole Dammegard
August 27, 2016
Author, International speaker, former journalist, musician and investigator
Ole Dammegård, awarded the Prague Peace Prize, and adopted by the Apache Nation…
Clyde Lewis Ground Zero
August 27, 2016
Paranormal & Conspiracy
Clyde Lewis Clyde is a powerful voice in parapolitical and paranormal news and…
Artist, Graphic Designer, Actor James Murray
August 27, 2016
Graphic Artist, Designer, Medium and Movie Actor
Bios: Robert Murray (AKA Bob or Father Murray) For more than 30 years, Robert…
Frank St. James, Psychic Investigator, Psychic Detective and Former Police Detective
August 28, 2016
Psychic Investigator, Psychic Detective, Former Police Detective
Frank St. James is well known for his work with many local police and…
Laurie Roth
August 25, 2016
The Psychic Therapist
Laurie LeahAna (Roth), often called “The Psychic Therapist” is a Licensed…
Rhonda Sheryl Lipstein
August 23, 2016
Intuitive Mystic and Empathic Holistic Healer
As an Intuitive Mystic and Empathic Holistic Healer, Roni has consciously…
Kevin Annett, Native American, Canadian Human Rights Campaigner, Crimes of Church and State Researcher and Author
August 23, 2016
Native American, Canadian Human Rights Campaigner, Crimes of Church and State Researcher, Author
Nobel Peace Prize Nominee (2014, 2015); Recipient of the Prague Peace Award (…
Mathew hart
August 23, 2016
Line Producer, Hollywood Producer, and Channeler for the "The Guardian Alliance"
MATHEW HART Hi. My name is Mathew. I’m a sensitive, a channeler, and a…
Harold Payne
August 15, 2016
Multi-platinum and Posi award winning songwriter
HAROLD PAYNE Bio/credits Harold Payne is a multi-platinum and Posi award…
Brian Benson
August 15, 2016
Creator and producer of conscious media. Writer, filmmaker, actor, TEDx speaker, award winning self-help author, poet, children’s author, radio personality, finisher of over 50 triathlons and more
BRIAN BENSON G. Brian Benson is a creator and producer of conscious media.…