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Orange Cowboy
October 18, 2017
Your Personal Movie Director
Swami Tirtha, also known as the Orange Cowboy, is a #1 bestselling author who…
Gary Sinclair
October 18, 2017
Speaker, author, and leader in Energy Medicine, and founder of META, the Memory Energy Therapy Association
Gary Sinclair is a speaker, author, and leader in Energy Medicine as his latest…
Jane Guyn
October 18, 2017
UCLA trained registered nurse, Certified Professional Sex Coach, Core Energy Coach and Doctor of Human Sexuality
Jane Guyn: The Queen of Happy Endings.  Jane Guyn is a sex coach who helps…
Ken Pfeifer
October 20, 2017
Ufologist, UFO Investigator, Editor, Entrepreneur, Veteran
Jennifer W Stein
October 20, 2017
filmmaker , movie production, crop circles, archaeology
Jennifer W. Stein is a self-taught filmmaker who never went to film school. She…
November 20, 2017
Executive Director, Military Veterans Advocacy, Inc.; Lawyer, Veterans Advocate, Retired Navy Officer
Attorney John B. Wells is a retired Navy Commander (Surface Warfare) and a…
Barbara With
October 28, 2017
Psychic Medium, Composer
A while back, I hired a consultant to help me brand my business. As a…
Catherine Cogorno author
October 21, 2017
Crop circle author Star healer Reiki Master
Catherine Cogorno is the author and publisher of Earth Expressions, An…
October 18, 2017
"Magnetize The Man" Expert
Antia Boyd struggled for years with fear, wasting time and attracting…
Top Cardiologist advocates Plant Based Diet
October 21, 2017
Physician, best selling author, lecturer
Plant Based Diet Advocates Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., the next guest on the…