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When necessary, broadcasters can prerecord shows during times and days that are different from their regularly scheduled broadcasting time slot, as long as there is an open time slot on either station 1 or station 2, at no charge.

When necessary, broadcasters can prerecord shows during times and days that are different from their regularly scheduled broadcasting time slot, at no charge.  Although this does require an extra hour of studio time (one to prerecord and another to broadcast) instead of just the normal one hour we do not charge a fee for this service. This allows the hosts and guests the freedom and flexibility to tape their broadcasts during more convenient times. Guests living in other times zones, especially guests living oversees, greatly enjoy this benefit! It is important to note, many BBS Radio hosts interview extremely important people with very busy schedules, and BBS Radio's staff will make a concerted effort to make time available for these special interviews, during hours that are most convenient to all parties concerned. Pre scheduling of shows can be scheduled at anytime their is an open time slot on either station 1 or station 2. If one of our stations is free, and no broadcast is scheduled, we will make that time available for a prerecord, free of charge! (Pre-taping Interviews for Flexibility!)