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Articles, Headlines, Featured Guests, New Music and Discussion Posts
Coming up on - Sri and Kira Live Guest, Pamala Oslie, November 16, 2014, Psychic, Radio Host, Author, Lecturer, Aura Reader
You are Infinite and you are Awake! After her near death experience from cancer in 1989…
Planetary Ascension and Shakti Exchange! What is happening to your world? Part Two…
The Myth of Ebola and the Truth of your Healing Power The “threat” of Ebola is a myth that is…
Awakening Expanded Consciousness through Human Technology harming our future? As…
Humanity is at a crescendo moment and ancient wisdom is now ready to be revealed with greater…
Energy Report for November 2014. Would you like to find out what is in store for you this month…
Coming up on - Life Changes Show Guest, Jackie Ruka, November 3, 2014, Renaissance woman, Author, Artist, Psychotherapist
Coming up on - Galactic Connection
Coming up on - Affirmations For Living Guest, Dr Georgina Cannon, November 5, 2014, spiritual advisor
Coming up on - The Holistic Health Show Guest, Dr Larry Payne , November 8, 2014, yoga teacher and back specialist
Coming up on - A Fireside Chat Guest, Jamie Janover, November 1, 2014, Multi-Instrumentalist Musician, Photographer, Sculpture and Emissary for the Resonance Project
Encore Presentation of "Why Life Is..." originally aired 8/24/12 Preparing for Physical Death
Coming up on - A Fireside Chat Guest, Andrew Webber, November 2, 2013, Artist, Intuitive, Lecturer, Health Researcher
Coming up on - ET First Contact Radio Guest, William Birnes, October 30, 2014, Publisher, Ufologist, Investigative Researcher, Writer, Editor, Author, Actor, Speaker, Lawyer, Ph.D
Coming up on - Quantum Mindfulness Radio Guest, Ann Windau, November 24, 2014, Registered Nurse, Traggers Masso-Therapist, and Expert on Essential Oils
Coming up on - Quantum Mindfulness Radio Guest, Paul Luftenegger, November 10, 2014, Multi-Award Winning Singer, Songwriter, Light Worker, Recording Artist, Public Speaker, International Celebrity
Coming up on - Quantum Mindfulness Radio
Coming up on - The Eclectic Visionary Show Guest, Roberta Grimes, November 6, 2014, Business attorney, novelist and speaker