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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Featured Guest Interviews

Dare To Dream Guest, NATASHA CHE July 04, 2018
NATASHE CHE is a PhD-economist-turned tech entrepreneur and personal growth coach.

Natasha Che is a tech entrepreneur and a premier expert on podcast conversion. She is the founder of Soundwise, a mobile-centric audio publishing platform to sell on-demand audios. Natasha is a contributor to Huffington Post and Entrepreneur, and author of the book Podcast Conversion Secrets: The Ultimate Guide for Turning Your Podcast Listeners into Paying Customers. A frequent speaker at industry conferences, Natasha is known for combining personal growth wisdom with no-nonsense business advices. Natasha holds a PhD in Economics from Georgetown University and lives in Washington DC.

Inalienable and Free Guest, Donald Newsom July 07, 2018
Founder, BBS Radio

I am an entrepreneur and have worked for myself, and with my family, since 17 years of age. I have started several companies, joint ventures, public & private, and helped finance, operate and manage some of those entities until they were successful. I have been an original participant in all ventures I worked on, tending to many of the tasks required for a corporate structure to operate, from inception to its fruition. This involves numerous skills and abilities that are quite diverse and encompassing. These ventures were mostly in areas of new technology, product manufacturing, internet media, natural resource mining and oil drilling.

Most that read my biography will undoubtedly be knowledgeable and caring individuals that wish to expand their horizons and get the word out, whatever that word may be. Those people should consider appearing as a guest on one or more of our BBS Radio TV talk shows. Visit the link below and answer a couple of questions. The information you provide will automatically be sent to our broadcasters & podcasters upon your submission. Our distinguished line up of talk show hosts will then contact you directly. It's simple to do and the rewards are worth it:

Getting interviewed on BBS Radio TV, free! Tuning in and turning on BBS, life changing! 

Experience Talk Shows Done Right!

Consider broadcasting and/or podcasting on BBS Radio TV. Our price and services can't be matched! We are reliable, well established, extremely knowledgeable, and our customer service is legendary.

BBS Radio TV

A Fireside Chat Guest, Carla J Fox July 07, 2018
*** SPECIAL NEW YEAR SHOW for 2020!!! *** Energy Healer, Quantum Sphere Healing Practitioner


Carla Fox has been seeking the answers to life's most important questions all her life.  Through shamanic journey work and the use of altered states of consciousness, she has traveled far and wide in the cosmos gaining a unique understanding of the realms in which we exist.  Her mission on Earth at this time is to be a way shower for others who can benefit from what she has learned and where she has gone.

Her evolution of service to others started with her Shamanic Healership training at the Four Winds Society.  Her studies at the Monroe Institute led to the creation of Quantum Sphere Healing, the process she currently uses.  Her passionate interest in the whole death process helped her create her latest workshop entitled, "Journeys Beyond the Physical".  And, of course, there is her timeless book, "Traversing the Infinite Now", which is only available on her website.

Through her workshops, blog, and energy healing practice, Carla's mission is to assist others in attaining clarity, healing, wholeness and self-empowerment in order to take full advantage of the evolutionary opportunities that are being presented to each and every human being at this time. You can find out more on her website, and check out her blog at the links below:

Cameron Live Guest, Carmela Tunzi July 06, 2018
Hypnotherapist, Hypnotist, entrepreneur

Carmela Tunzi, CMNLP, CHT, CJSJ, CRM, CMER

About Mind Flow Hypnosis

We believe that Mind Flow Hypnosis offers the absolutely best service available, the lowest possible cost, with the least amount of hassle.  We can play a key role in helping you meet challenges such as weight loss, quitting smoking and managing undesirable behavior.

Carmela is a lifelong entrepreneur with a natural gift of working with people, making her an expert in communication. She positively impacts everyone around her and is highly sought-after for her intuitive healing qualities.

Carmela's solutions direct her clients to their highest wellness and needs. Having an innate gift with people of all types and personalities paired with a superior solution-oriented approach, she's been granted years of success of healing with positive outcomes.

Carmela has an interest in human psychology and behavior gave her an incredible edge. She became acutely aware or the mind body connection and fascinated with psychology and human behavior. Carmela studied a variety of modalities to achieve stellar results in one’s goals. During Carmela’s research on “attaining excellence” she found NLP (neuro linguistic programming) which opened new doors for understanding the human brain – how we interact with it and, more importantly, the tools to have outstanding results. Carmela has worked with top performers in many industries over the last 15 years and has helped hundreds of people achieve all kinds of results. Her specific areas of interest include high performance solutions, communication tools and techniques for overcoming obstacles.

Carmela contributes to her community by attending Los Angeles Health based and spiritual fundraisers.

Certified Master Practitioner of NLP

Certified Mental Emotional Release Therapy

Certified Hypnotherapy

Certified Master Reiki Teacher Practitioner

Certified Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner


Cameron Live Guest, Candy Loya July 06, 2018
Actress, Model, Writer, Radio Host

Candy Loya a Californian Native from Downey, Ca. a television host and Actress, Model, writer, Radio Host Personality. Over the Past 3 years Candy has worked in a wide variety of professional capacitates both in the private & public sectors. Candy has earned her AA in Liberal Arts & Communications at Los Angeles Trade Tech in 2014 and she will pursue her education to obtain her Bachelors in Broadcasting Journalism.

Thus Far Candy has worked on various projects such as: 2014-2015 Media Consultant and Journalist Rep for hollywood Productions 2014 LA Talk Radio with Host Cameron Datzker as special Co host 2013 Runway Fashion Model for Designer JVONOHAY LUCCI 2013 Carlos Rojas Movie Premiere Event 2012 Groove G Shack Radio as a Co host Candy Loya Can be summed up into two positive words Happy& Adrenaline Candy's personality and character both bring your everyday interaction to the point where you will not get enough of her and her perky personality or she will make you smile and laugh. With amazing and strong ties to her family and community involvement such as volunteering at the Cerritos charity for Abused Women.

Being a lover of animals as an activist for rescued and abused dogs. Candy's goals and dreams are to write her autobiography about her life tribulations to help inspire others and fight to make it in life. Candy is known by many as a Loving Friend, nurturing mother and Professional and career minded woman ready to face her next Challenge.

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