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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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The Sports Doctor Guest, Esther Gutierrez Sloan August 07, 2019
President and founder of SALSArobics, Inc.

Esther Gutiérrez Sloan has been a prominent member of the fitness industry for 35 years.  In 1989, Esther created SALSArobics and in 2010 was inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame in recognition of her pioneering efforts to introduce authentic Latin rhythms and dance steps into aerobic exercise in the United States.  Esther has been leading fitness walking classes at the Chicago Botanic Garden for the past 30 years.  More recently, in the past four years she has introduced Nature and Rhythm classes, which are a combination of SALSArobics and Fitness Walking.  As a protégé of former Mr. America and Mr. Universe Bob Gadja, Esther has incorporated his TOTAL BODY TRAINING in all her group exercise and personal training activities.  She has led workshops at events such as the Chicago International SALSA Congress for the past 22 years, as well as classes, exhibitions and presentations at fitness conventions, health clubs, schools, fundraising events, corporate events, and ethnic festivals, both nationally and internationally.  

The Sports Doctor Guest, Bill Crawford August 07, 2019
Fitness Pioneer, Consultant & Educator, inventor of Nautilus & MedX equipment

Bill Crawford has been a leader and visionary in fitness since 1977. In 2012, Bill was inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame for his life’s work and was elected to chair the board from 2015 - 2017.In 2016& 2017,Bill represented the NFHOF in Washington D.C. at the Surgeon General's Call to Action for the "Step it Up" Program in collaboration with the American College of Sports Medicine, CDC, ACE, MFA, and others. This historic event featured Regina Benjamin, the 18th U.S. Surgeon General and Vivek Murthy, the 19thU.S. Surgeon General, along with leadership from Congress, the health care system, and the fitness industry. In 2019, I received the Arthur Jones Lifetime Achievement Award from the Resistance Exercise Conference.

Bill was certified for musculoskeletal evaluation and rehabilitation at the Exercise Science Center, University of Florida in Gainesville,Florida and was personally trained and endorsed by the late Arthur Jones, the inventor of Nautilus and MedX.In the 1970’s, Bill pioneered some of the first Nautilus clubs in the Los Angeles area implementing high intensity training principles and was one of the key players in the ignition of the fitness boom. Over the past 42 years, Bill has provided strength and fitness training for thousands, exercising muscles in isolation to muscle failure with equalized resistance through the full range of motion using a safe and effective protocol. You may have seen his national TV ads for the Resistance Chair, his features on CNN and Fox News, or read his stories and articles in countless publications. Bill is a recognized fitness columnist, consultant, lecturer, and educator.He worked with the U.S. Navy which led to the development of his Gym To Go programs featured in Men’s Fitness magazine. Bill has trained major sports teams, athletes, Hollywood celebrities and developed the careers of many fitness professionals.

Bill was born and raised in the Rocky Mountain town of Ouray, Colorado where being fit is incidental to the environment. He spent his youth competitive skiing, hiking and climbing fourteen thousand foot mountains. Bill has received numerous accolades as a longtime community leader in municipalities across the country investing valuable time serving in law enforcement, public safety, search and rescue, boards, committees, and volunteer organizations.

Bill has owned and developed fitness centers around the world. Since 1997, Basic Training Med X has been located in Scottsdale, Arizona and is owned and operated by Bill and his wife Debbie. Today,the Crawford’s clients enjoy their dedication to personal service, state-of-the-art Med X and Nautilus equipment and evidence-based weight resistance and cardiovascular exercise programs for strength, balance, mobility, weight loss, enhanced quality of life and good health. Their knowledge and motivational skills help clients attain their fitness goals by tailoring a program for everyone’s individual needs. People travel from around the world to train at their elite strength training and fitness center. There is no substitute for the decades of Bill’s practical experience and expertise. As a world-renowned strength trainer and fitness expert, Bill continues to passionately promote the benefits of weight resistance exercise and fitness worldwide.

A Fireside Chat Guest, Inelia Benz August 10, 2019
Writer, Painter, Blogger, Artist, Musician, Mystic

This is Inelia’s first incarnation on any planet, born free from self-importance, attachments, personal agendas, personal evolution, or a desire for soul advancement. She arrived knowing only that the planet needed to vibrate at a higher level in order to undergo a global ascension. What she did not know was how to assist in raising the vibration and how to communicate the need for a higher vibration to others. Initially, Inelia tried emulating other people’s actions by getting married, having children, and learning about human suffering. Although this gave her a deeper understanding of what others considered important, it did not assist in reaching the aim of global ascension.  

In January 2010, she received a request from Source to “go public as a person” in order to promote the message of empowerment and sovereignty to the masses. Emerging from anonymity, she became a messenger of personal and global ascension. Over the next three years, she worked tirelessly to explore, investigate, develop, and disseminate tools, including meditations and exercises, that were quick, mystery-free, and highly effective — tools used by hundreds of thousands of people to achieve personal ascension and, in so doing, to contribute to the goal of global ascension.

She has written several powerful works of fiction; The 13th Mage, Interview with an Alien, Interview with A Psychic Assassin, Interview with an Angel, and just out:  The Return!  Inelia has gatherings at her home in Washington, and teaches through her websites.  For more personal interactions exercises and support, visit her website,  You can also find her on Facebook!


The Holistic Health Show Guest, Sandra Biskind August 10, 2019
best selling author, international speaker, thought leader, spiritual leader

Sandra Biskind is a global thought leader, international speaker, spiritual mentor and #1 bestselling author.

She has a unique gift to identify and eradicate the unconscious programs that undermine success—instantly amplifying her client’s ability to live freely and thrive.

Sandra and her husband Daniel created a multi-global award-winning retreat in New Zealand, named the World’s Best Luxury Coastal Hotel in 2010.

Sandra Biskind offers a rare combination of business savvy, transformational leadership and soul enrichment. With her down-to-earth wisdom coupled with her multidimensional gifts, she creates profound sustainable shifts.

Sandra is committed to working with leaders who are passionate about attaining the next level of success and making a global impact.

“Known for solving unsolvable problems”, Jack Canfield said, “She is a profound healer, trainer, speaker and author who does some incredible transformational work. I’ve experienced her work and found it truly life changing — so much so I had her work with my entire staff with magical results. She has an amazing ability to shift energy and remove unconscious blocks on very deep levels.

Her unconditional love, joy and radiance fills the room. She is the real deal and I highly recommend her and her work.” — Jack Canfield.

Using her unprecedented laser-like techniques, Sandra takes the brakes off your unconscious, freeing you to accelerate into the thrilling experience of a life without limits.

Her latest book written with her husband Daniel is Codebreaker: Discover the Password to Unlock the Best Version of You. About the book they say:

Did you know you have unseen codes in your DNA that are controlling your life?

YES. The way you repel or attract relationships, the way you maintain or push away someone you love, how you feel about yourself, your motivation, your energy & zest for life and even the level of success you’ll allow yourself.

What if you could uncover these hidden codes that have been running your life and neutralize them once and for all?

You CAN!

Sandra and Daniel Biskind are International #1 Bestselling Authors, Speakers & Spiritual Teachers who for decades have been transforming the lives of Global award-winning business owners and spiritual leaders.

They are Jack Canfield’s energy shifters of choice and now YOU can experience the depth of their work that takes these codes locked in your DNA, trapped in programs within your neural pathways, and finally get yourself free – without having to pay thousands for one-on-one but instead, through experiencing their revolutionary book that shows you step by step what YOU can do to unlock the best version of YOU…right away.  There’s healing and high frequency energy even encoded within the book itself.

Their legacy work, CODEBREAKER: Discover The Password To Unlock The Best Version Of You reveals a system that helps explain the mind, body and soul connection.  As you read through and absorb the PLATINUM password you will experience deep and meaningful shifts and feel like the book is speaking directly to you.

Get yours NOW so you too can become a high frequency codebreaker and breakthrough your unconscious mind that has been running your life – to being free to have what you want.

Finally call in the love of your life, or shift your relationship or feel happy and alive, on fire with purpose once and for all.  Now with CODEBREAKER, YOU decide. YOU create (not your hidden programs running the show).

Here’s to living your ideal life NOW….

Law of Attraction masters and experts acknowledge that limiting beliefs routinely sabotage successful use of this universal law, continually frustrating the efforts of people to manifest their hearts’ desires.

Even after dozens of personal growth trainings and huge investments in coaching and therapy often unconscious beliefs persist in undermining people’s highest goals and aspirations.

These often show up as “unsolvable problems” — patterns that repeat and can’t seem to be thought leader, international speaker, best selling author

Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Catherine Saykaly-Stevens August 06, 2019
Digital Marketing Strategist

Catherine's start in school was dark and miserable. It wasn't until grade 4 that she was diagnosed with a learning disability; a severe form of dyslexia. She was entered into a Friday afternoon program for the next 2 years where she learned coping mechanisms and different learning styles. That sparked her seeing the world differently. While school was never a complimentary environment, she began to explore and use her natural strengths.

Today, Catherine Saykaly-Stevens is a digital marketing strategist with the Networking Web growing audiences increasing conversions for speakers, business owners, and authors.

She guides busy professionals who are frustrated and feel overwhelmed weeding through millions of online options that don't work, wasting precious time and effort. Catherine simplifies digital marketing with a five-step, customized, easy process that gets results. Catherine believes every person has a powerful message to deliver once they find their voice, visibility, and audience to connect with.

An active member of the Evolutionary Business Council with a combined reach of 400 Million, Catherine is also the Social Media Expert in Residence for the Canadian Authors Association and the digital marketing expert for the Canadian Authors Association. Listen for more about the resurgence of Twitter engagement, those with an old account or a new account can enjoy accelerated growth and build real relationships in a 30 Day Community Challenge.


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