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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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BBS Conscious Wellness Show Guest, Scott Werner September 16, 2019
Traditional Medicine, Herbs, Essential oils, Homeopathics, Reiki touch healing and many other modalities

Scott R. Werner, M.D. (Brief Personal Biography)

“Scott R. Werner, MD, practiced Medicine starting out as an OB/GYN, but became a Medical Intuitive after curing his own cancer with herbs and healing energy. He voluntarily gave up his Medical Practice to focus on the real causes of dis-ease. He now lives in St. George, Utah with his wife and children.

Scott used herbs, homeopathic, energetic remedies and chelation to help improve and heal “un-treatable illnesses and dis-eases” helping thousands of patients.

Scott currently does intuitive Medical readings for clients putting them on the products which will help them the most. Scott currently lectures to many groups, including professionals, in Nevada, California, Hawaii, Florida and Utah teaching about Herbal products, Homeopathics, essential oils, energy Medicine and spiritual healing. Scott has been told by lecture attendees, that he is one of the most informative, animated speakers they have ever heard.

Scott studied Traditional Medicine, Herbs, Essential oils, Homeopathics, Reiki touch healing and many other modalities. Scott can instantly know what people need to heal through spiritual readings. Scott currently treats patients all over the United States, Canada and Europe.”

BBS Conscious Wellness Show Guest, Richard London September 23, 2019
Business Intelligence / Manifestation / Intuitive Consultant,

Dr. Richard London is a Business Intelligence/ Manifestation/Intuitive Consultant, Through his journey, he has discovered many direct methods for uncovering strengths and weaknesses to help you create abundance and balance in Wealth, Wellness, Love, Harmony and More…. He uses his highly developed intuitive abilities to scan your body and help you discover, identify, modify life agreements, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual disharmony and balance.

We as professionals choose to hold on to parts of our thoughts, fears, blocks and emotions by not expressing them when experienced. When thoughts, fears, blocks and emotions are buried within our bodies they drain our vital energy, power, clarity and create physical, mental, emotional and monetary imbalance and disease.

Family life patterns are created when thoughts or emotions are left unexpressed and not fully acknowledged. They then become cellular memory which is passed on for generations through DNA polypeptide chains.

The body and heart are transmitters for internal programming. Our bodies talk to us to help us pay attention to inner messages that inform you that some part of your life is out of balance.

By focusing and using the principles of Dr. Richard London’s Life Wellness System, the human body moves through several stages of transformation and personal growth. Imagine removing all your personal and professional stuff. When the stuff is removed, all that left is the authentic professional with the capability of creating Wealth, Wellness, Harmony, Love, and More Now.

When we learn the secrets of heart-centered intelligence through the symbolism of our bodies and hear the words, feelings and wisdom they speak to us; we can then unlock all life doors to truly knowing ourselves. We are now on the Road to Yes, I know which leads to becoming and experiencing the only 21st.century life path, “WELLNESSAIRE”

Dr. Richard London, the father of wisdom; is the leading transformational educator in the world, some of his many educational sites are.

His new educational websites coming September are:


He is the author of Best Selling Books: Faith is Power, Powerup your Life, Laughing with God, How to Stop Sabotaging Your Life, are you a Narcissist or Just living with One, I’m in Love with My Cell Phone and More Great Books to come. All books can be purchased at or his contact below.

Our press director is April Vargas she can be reached at or or call 603 865-7345

Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Kerri Hummingbird September 17, 2019
Soul Guide Author Coach Activist

Kerri Hummingbird, Soul Guide, is a channel of - and an embodiment of - White Eagle, an ascended master who specializes in rainbow light activation of human DNA. She has served as a social activist, leader, and philanthropist for over three decades. She is the Founder of the Skills Not Pills Movement and Host of Soul Nectar Show.

"After decades of thinking I was inherently flawed and feeling blamed and shamed in my family relationships, I decided to quit weekly psychotherapy, dump the pills, and just be 'bad' if that's what I was. What I discovered when I walked out of my 20 year marriage was a whole new way of living that I call Walking the Beauty Way. Now my 'flaws' have become my gifts in service to others. I took a leap of faith in myself and in Spirit, and continued to do so, and I keep receiving miracles and support every step of the way. "

Ms Hummingbird inspires people to lead their lives wide awake with an authenticity, passion and purpose that positively impacts others. She catalyzes mind-shifts that transform life challenges into gifts of wisdom with her Reinvent Yourself programs for individual and group mentoring. She is the international best-selling author of "The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama" and the award-winning best-selling book "Awakening To Me: One Woman’s Journey To Self Love" which describes the early years of her spiritual awakening.

Connect with Kerri at:


BBS Conscious Wellness Show Guest, Johanna Derbolowsky September 23, 2019
Metaphysical teacher, spiritual counselor and energy worker

Johanna Derbolowsky, best-selling author of the book “The Transformation Promise”, has helped clients worldwide with life’s major changes and transformations.

From identifying long past incidents that can be the source of current major depression or health issues today… to dealing with career changes, or finding and sustaining fulfilling relationships, to the truly ultimate transformation at the end-of-life.

Ms. Derbolowsky, the developer of the Quantum Heart Field Experience is a recognized metaphysical teacher, spiritual counselor and energy worker and she has been on the forefront of healing and transformation.

Lets Find Out Guest, Frank St James September 08, 2019
Mediumship and Psychic Readings

Frank St. James is well known for his work with many local police and investigative authorities. He appeared on The Psychic Detectives, as well as the Bio Show on A&E Cable, and is also a top radio personality. He was once a detective, has worked with the FBI, and the answers he gives are usually spot on! Frank is very popular at the New Jersey Psychic Fairs and books out quickly. Contact: (862) 684-1904

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