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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, Ariann Thomas January 27, 2020
Ancestral Lineage Clearing

Ariann Thomas, B.S., J.D., is an international healer, teacher, ceremonialist, speaker, Shaman, hypnotherapist, and an ordained non-denominational minister.

Ariann carries the profound subtle energy of an elder, advisor and wisdom carrier. She is part Cherokee by heritage and is a ceremonialist, an intuitive reader and healer, and practices Ancestral Lineage Clearing, and Shamanic Healing.

She works with clients to make direct contact with ancestors in the past through Shamanic Journeys. Ariann takes them through time and space through hundreds or thousands of years to connect to ancestors through their DNA. For the past 35 years Ariann, has studied metaphysics, spiritual teachings and healing.

She engages in energetic healing work, having studied healing in the native traditions of North and South America. She is an initiated Keeper of the Water Ceremonies and an Elder in the Tradition of the Sacred Feminine, does Shamanic Journeying for soul retrieval, curse release and healing, and is initiated in the 9 Rites of the Munay-Ki, Healing Touch, Reiki (1st and 2nd Degree) and animal healing. She is a Certified Basic Ericksonian Hypnotist. She was awarded Featured Thought Leader by the Wellness Universe.

“Ancestral Lineage Clearing is such a powerful transformation and healing tool. It releases so much energy in a short period of time to allow people to move on and create happiness in their lives.” She was so impressed with how it positively affected clients and others in the family that it became her major healing tool.

In addition, Ariann is the Administrative Director of the New Dream Foundation, a non-profit organization operating as Sacred Feminine Awakening whose mission is to create a global spiritual family through education, ritual and service. She is a Keeper of the Water Ceremonies and an Elder in the Path of the Sacred Feminine.

She is the author of  two Amazon best-selling books: Healing Family Patterns, Ancestral Lineage Clearing for Personal Development, and Changing Our Genetic Patterns, Creating a New Reality for Ourselves and Future Generations,


Ariann presently lives in Northern California with her cat Gigi. She volunteers at the local cat shelter, loves to travel, read, go to movies, and stay current with the latest scientific developments. She is committed to women’s enlightenment and the Sacred Feminine.

The Sports Doctor Guest, Beth Fortenberry January 08, 2020
Actress & Author of “Slam Dunk”

BETH FORTENBERRY is the bestselling author of SLAM DUNK – The True Story of Basketball’s FirstOlympic Gold Medal Teamand an award-winning writer-producer in Los Angeles.  She got her Actors Equity card when she was 19 and her Screen Actors Guild card at 21. To make ends meet, she worked as a Playboy Bunny in New York.  She’s a member of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and faithfully votes for the Emmys.  She and her husband are Newlywed champs and went on to be Goldywedchamps twice!  They are living happily even after 30 years of marriage.  She has two children, a stepson, a grandson and a miniature Yorkie.  She loves her life, ballroom dancing and sports!

The Sports Doctor Guest, Joel Franco January 08, 2020
Owner at Chesapeake Films, Director/Producer of “ Youth Sports in America-A documentary film- What’s behind a $15 Billion Industry”

Joel Franco tells compelling stories with an elegant voice, a crisp Italian sensibility and beautiful pictures. Franco’s experience, vision and intensity bring leadership, heart, and an eye for detail to his films. His understanding of the human condition and his passion for authenticity combine to create artistic, highly commercial works that draw the audience in and make them feel. Franco’s genuine desire to protect the integrity of each story and to bring out the best in the actors and crew have made him a trusted source for getting the job done. Colleagues trust his refreshing character and understand that he is a man of commitment and does what he says he will do, when he says he will do it.

Joel Franco was born in Italy and came to the United States in his late teens where he quickly immersed himself in American culture and film. According to Franco, “I have always admired American films. The American school of acting has a long history of producing great actors and I wanted to be a part of the world of film–a place where captivating stories are unveiled. The creation of film plays into my strengths: I love that magic is the result of the creative process. There must be passion to nurture the momentum of the story. And one must have intense focus to get the job done.” 

Influenced by American filmmaker Sidney Lumet for his vigorous storytelling and Italian director Robert Rossellini for his social realism, Franco is dedicated to staying true to the story in a fast paced, realistic and refined style. 

In 2006, Franco partnered with Solidaris LLC to found Chesapeake Films, LLC. Chesapeake Films has option agreements to produce several feature films and plans to produce two features per year in-house and to collaborate with established film companies for additional opportunities.

Joel Franco is a graduate of University of Maryland/Baltimore, a graduate of the USC-Universal Producing and Directing Program, and holds an M.F.A. in film production from the School of Film and Television at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth Guest, Christine Breese PhD January 22, 2020
Founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center, and Founder of Free Retreats For All

Christine Breese, PhD is the Founder of: University of Metaphysical Sciences, Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center, Wisdom of the Heart 501(c)3 Non Profit Free Retreats For Everyone, Radiant Life Academy

She is 54 years old but still has youthful enthusiasm and vitality. She also has wisdom far beyond her years. She attributes it to the spiritual self-work she did to transcend depression, abuse, suicidal feelings and learning how to enter the realms of joy and happiness.

Because she has overcome the depths of despair she can help you do it too. For the past 30 years, she has been leading workshops, retreats, spiritual courses, and helping others find happiness too. She spent much of her own spiritual journey without money for retreats or workshops, so she wants to give you the chance to be in Satsang whether you have money or not.

Christine is in high demand with millions of views on her videos and tens of thousands of followers, but she wants to make time for you. She travels with her team to bring these retreats to a place near you so you don’t have to travel. She is often referred to as the “Mother Theresa” of spiritual retreats because she cares deeply about those in need who are disadvantaged.

Christine is dedicated to the awakening of humanity, changing the world for the better, and helping those who are trying to improve their lives and attain an understanding of spirituality. Christine leads powerful meditations in these retreats to take you deep into who you are. Come and realize yourself for who you really are.

Christine Breese books:

Reclaiming the Shadow Self

Fearlessness in the Paradigm Shift

and the soon to be released:

Choose Yourself: The Power of One to Change the World

and Integrity Handbook for Leaders, Teachers, Healers and Students

A Quote from Christine Breese:

“In the silence of your heart, you will find the truth. No one can tell you what is right for you better than you. You are gazillions of years old. You are wiser than you know. You are God dreaming, learning, and growing on a journey of self-exploration. You are a collector of experiences for Godself. It is all the same one living all these lives and having all these experiences. It is the same one in you, the same one in me, the same one in a blade of grass, experiencing creation from that particular point of view. How much more worthy can you get than that? You are the center of the universe from your point of view!”

“So awaken angel, and get back on mission. I am here to remind you of who you already know yourself to be, or at least encourage you on your path. Let go of the past and who you thought you were. Dream a good dream now. You are allowed! Take back your power from the places you lost it (fear, sadness, anger, loneliness) and be the creator being that you are. We have a world to change, and it first starts with each of us becoming that which we already are!”

The Veterans News Hour Guest, John B Wells, founder of Military-Veterans Advocacy January 27, 2020
Executive Director, Military Veterans Advocacy, Inc.; Lawyer, Veterans Advocate, Retired Navy Officer

Attorney John B. Wells is a retired Navy Commander (Surface Warfare) and a disabled veteran, who served from 1972 until 1994. He was assigned to six ships and several shore commands. He is qualified in all aspects of surface warfare including command at sea. He is a graduate of the Surface Warfare Officers School Department Head and PXO schools. Mr. Wells served as a Special-Court Martial convening authority, member, senior member and witness before administrative boards and courts-martial. He has administered non-judicial punishment under Art. 15 of the UCMJ. Mr. Wells attended law school at night while still on active duty. He was a member of the Law Review Staff and contributed to several law school publications. Upon retirement from the military, Mr. Wells settled in Slidell Louisiana and opened a general law practice that emphasized military and veterans law. Mr. Wells has represented military members and veterans throughout the country. He is at home in both state and federal courts and travels often to Washington, D.C. for cases there.

Commander Wells was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in November of 1994, the Supreme Court of Louisiana in October of 1995 and the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in April of 1996. He is also admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States. In addition, Mr. Wells is admitted to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth, Federal and District of Columbia Circuits. He is also a member of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces and all service courts. He is admitted to practice before the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and the United States Court of Federal Claims. Mr. Wells is also admitted to many federal district courts including the District of Columbia.

Mr. Wells is married to Janice Burton Wells of Perth Australia and has two daughters, five grand-children and one great-grand son. He has spoken before numerous groups on militaty and veterans issues. He is also a frequent guest on the Fox News Channel.

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