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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Kristen Miller July 20, 2021
Premium Mentor, Coach and Consultant

Premium Mentor, Coach and Consultant, helping high-achieving individuals to Redefine And Redesign For A Thoroughbred Life. Helping business warriors to find new levels of intrinsic success - those misalinged millionaires seeking personal fulfilment and deeper happiness.

Kristen is an intuitive business mentor who specializes in self-actualization, personal power alchemy and mindset mastery. She also offers private leadership coaching and consulting.

A renowned as a ‘human potential powerhouse’, Kristen acts as a significant success catalyst for business owners and executives by tapping into their undercover business brilliance to increase top-line turnover and profits through a multi-pronged approach.

She creates a peaceful, purposeful and passionate space of clarity, elevation, direction and leverage for her clients by working across 3 key influencers which innately support (or hinder) every human:

→ Mindset Mastery,

→ Integration & Embodiment,

→ Physical/Energetic Expression.

Because all businesses are built by and for people, Kristen is particularly passionate about creating transformational shifts through mental resilience and emotional agility. She reminds her brave business warriors that they, themselves, are their greatest asset. As within, so without.

Her diverse background across three continents was the foundation for her visionary thinking, and she successfully guides others in Sales and Marketing, Human Capital, Creative Solutions and Leadership.

Kristen offers premium mentorship programs uniquely designed around the Thoroughbred horse as a symbol of our innately Perfect Pedigree. We’re all here to play in blissfully awakened 7- and 8-figure arenas!

Born into poverty, Kristen comes from humble beginnings where she often played barefoot in corn fields picturing life as a My Little Pony episode.

An entrepreneurial spirit since eleven, it wasn’t until she was thirty that Kristen finally ignited her business flames and registered her first company. She founded and fast-tracked three international businesses and became a millionaire within 3 years… only to discover that she was ultimately misfiring, misaligned and unhappy.

Kristen made a life-changing decision on Christmas Day 2015 to change her life and follow her heart. She promptly sold or gifted everything she’d ever worked for, including the businesses she’d built from the ground up, and moved to a small fishing village to start anew.

Shortly thereafter, with the closure of her last investment facilitation business under belt, Kristen enjoyed a sabbatical on a tropical island and worked with horses so that she could step away from the corporate environment completely. Thus, she created space for her highest purpose to start expressing itself through her.

Despite the judgement, ridicule and rejection from her immediate family and friends (many thought she’d lost the plot!), Kristen resolutely continued on her path and turned her privately trading equestrian enterprise into a mentoring, coaching and consulting business. She often jokes that if it weren’t for her spiritual awaking in 2016, she doesn’t know if she’d be here today!

A natural leader with spiritual gifts, it was only at thirty-six that Kristen began to honor her multi-faceted talents and skill sets in this world, including healing. Having already amplified her business tack room under the likes of Tony Robbins for the commercial world up to 2010, Kristen immersed herself in study material from Dr Deepak Chopra, Martha Beck, Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Dr Sue Morter, Marci Shimoff and Ken Wilbur. To name a few…

Today, Kristen thrives as a premium mentor with a hybrid business model which incorporates coaching and consulting.

She excels at helping other business owners elevate their consciousness, reveal their untapped business brilliance, unlock their greatest potential by rewiring subconscious patterns, untether trauma ties, transmute lingering energetic resonance which limits their expansion, and step into fulfilling lives of wisdom, wealth and legacy-level leadership with confidence, clarity and conviction.

Her ideal clients are seemingly successful people whom the outside world admires or celebrates, but feel lackluster, lost, empty, misfiring, disconnected, over-stressed, lonely, anxious, overwhelmed or frustrated within. They question the purpose of their very being.

She created her 5-Step LUNGE™ Framework which incorporates three key influencing factors for every human: the mindset component, the integration and embodiment component, and the energetics component.

Today, she leads a consciously designed life of purpose, fulfilment, freedom, fun, faith and fortune; and she’s on a mission to help others do the same!

Download her 'R&R your Significant Success' Workbook here:



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Shadow Politics Guest, Steven S. Rogers July 11, 2021
Author of 'A Letter to My White Friends and Colleagues'

Steven Rogers retired from Harvard Business School (HBS) in 2019 where he was the “MBA Class of 1957 Senior Lecturer” in General Management.

He taught Entrepreneurial Finance and a new course that he created, titled “Black Business Leaders and Entrepreneurship.”

A 1985 graduate of the school, Professor Rogers holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Williams College. Prior to HBS, Professor Rogers taught in the MBA and PhD programs at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He received the Outstanding Professor Award for the Executive MBA Program 26 times and daytime program twice. Both are records.

In 2020, he published the 4th edition of his book Entrepreneurial Finance: Finance and Business Strategies for the Serious Entrepreneur. Professor Rogers originally published the book in 2002. He has also authored 30 HBS case studies, and recorded podcasts, many of which were uploaded to Black Enterprise Magazine.

In 2020 Steven became an Advisor to and part owner of 

He also joined the Steans Family Foundation as an advisor in 2020 to develop an economic plan for a poverty-stricken Black community in Chicago. The same year, he joined the University of Miami Business School as an Executive-in-Residence, where he teaches Entrepreneurial Finance in the Master of Science Finance Program.

In 2019, he toured 10 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) where he taught a workshop in Entrepreneurial Finance.

In 2017, he received the “Black Brilliance in Service” award from Harvard Law School’s Black Law Students Association, and in that same year, Poets & Quants Magazine selected him as one of “Our Favorite MBA Professors of 2017.”

In 2016, he was a volunteer professor at the United States Military Academy at West Point Army, where he received the West Point cadets’ sword for “Expert Teaching and Professionalism.”

He has taught in Africa, Australia, Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, Philippines, and Vienna.

Before becoming a professor, he owned and operated two manufacturing firms and one retail operation. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, Professor Rogers worked at Bain + Company consulting firm, Cummins Engine Company and UNC Ventures, a venture capital firm.

He also owned a real estate investment company that invested in residential properties on the South Side of Chicago.

He received the “Bicentennial Medal for Distinguished Achievement” by an alum from Williams College, and the “Bert King Award for Service” from the African American Student Union at HBS. Ebony Magazine named him one of the top 150 influential people in America.

Professor Rogers’ governance experiences span over two decades. He has served as a Trustee for Williams College, and the Visiting Committee for HBS. His corporate Board experiences includes SuperValu (Chairman, Governance Committee), Duquesne Light (Chairman, Finance Committee), Oakmark Mutual Funds (Chairman, Audit Committee and Investment Review Committee), W. S. Darley (Lead Director) and S. C. Johnson Wax.

He has completed five Triathlons and is part owner of the Chicago Sky in the WNBA.

Rogers has two daughters, Akilah and Ariel.

Out of This World Radio Guest, Tom Paladino July 10, 2021
Owner/Operator Remote Scalar Energy Healing

Was it Medicine or Scalar Energy Pathogen Cleansing That Healed the Infected U.S. Ebola Victims?

Can People Be Rid of Their Virus’, Bacteria, Fungi and Protozoans Via a Remote Process Using a Photograph?

Tom Paladino Picks Up Where Nikola Tesla and Galen Hieronymus Left Off Their Scalar Energy Research, Creating an Instrument that Can Disassemble 40,000+ Harmful Pathogens in the Body

Was it medicine or really Scalar Energy Pathogen Cleansing that healed the infected U.S. Ebola victims? While doctors and hospitals were celebrating in the nation’s headlines their eradication of Ebola in the U.S. patients, Paladino knew differently. He had been quietly disassembling the Ebola cells in their bodies, using his Scalar Energy Pathogen Cleansing instruments.

And why is he convinced that his protocol was the cure? Because thousands of others since 2012 have been reporting remarkable recoveries for everything from Lyme Disease, HIV symptoms, hepatitis, herpes, MRSA, Epstein -Barr, psoriasis, chronic sinusitis and parasites, among others. And a variety of his medically-diagnosed clients have the proof —Viral Load Tests showing the elimination of the pathogen after exposure to the Scalar Energy Healing Sessions.

Paladino’s life’s work has been the pursuit of a device to concentrate and direct Scalar Energy, work that was initiated by scientists Nikola Tesla and Galen Hieronymous. Scalar Energy is often called prana, chi, zero point energy, qi or orgone —an unseen and unmeasurable quantum energy in the body and throughout the physical world. It was when Hieronymus’ widow Sara revealed to Paladino private notes from the world - renowned scientist and allowed him to seethe inner workings of their initial instruments that the foundation was laid for the Paladino’s acclaimed new system that was first brought online in 2012.

Paladino’s Scalar Energy Pathogen Cleansing, which took nearly 20 years to perfect,requires only a photo of an individual —a focal point — to work it’s extraordinary treatment process, whereby Paladino administers the scalar energy reverse - phase angle harmonic of a pathogen, causing that agent of infection to disassemble or fall apart. There are no side effects when these bacterial, fungal, viral and protozoan cells disassemble as they simply transmute into elemental carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, iron, phosphorous, calcium, etc. Once the causative agent has been eradicated, the symptoms disappear...and that’s precisely what his clients have been raving about.

Individuals register on in a simple process that can be for one or recurring months, and email their photo. They are then notified each day by email when the protocol has been completed. People who may be suffering from some type of bacterial, fungal, viral and protozoan infection or condition are encouraged to participate in his Body of Proof Study. He encourages them to secure a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test –a viral load test — before and after they register for treatment, and provide those findings, so they can be counted among the scientifically-proven Scalar Energy success stories.

Paladino’s mission is no less than to heal the world — to eliminate pathogens in everyone’s bodies globally. And he believes it can be done! He has passionately pursued his quest to harness Scalar Energy since he was a child first reading about Tesla and today, through his diligent study, development, research trial and error, he has the revolutionary breakthrough that does, in fact, control and direct the remarkable quantum energetic force of Scalar Energy.


Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Bill Luznicky July 09, 2021
Founder of Primary the Ruling Class PAC

Bill Luznicky, founder of Primary the Ruling Class PAC Illustrating that the infighting among Colorado Republicans hasn’t abated, despite a string of election losses, Colorado Republican National Committeeman and talk radio host Randy Corporon is promoting a political action committee (PAC) called “Primary the Ruling Class” (PRC) taking aim at fellow Republicans who aren’t seen as “America First Patriots.”

Bill is a businessman turned author who wrote the #1 bestselling book, It's Not About Donkeys and Elephants: Branding the Real Enemy. The book turned into the Primary the Ruling Class movement which turned into the Political Action Committee, PRC PAC. Bill currently serves as the PAC's Chairman and Treasurer He writes nonfiction under the pen name, StressFreeBill He writes fiction under the pen name, William Lee Gordon

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Ben Murrey July 09, 2021
Director of Fiscal Policy

Ben Murrey serves as Independence Institute’s Director of Fiscal Policy, working to promote fiscal responsibility in Colorado government and to defend the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights in the state’s constitution. Prior to his role with II, Ben spent seven years as a United States Senate staffer in Washington, D.C. and a legislative aide for Senator Ted Cruz. While in Washington, he participated in numerous legislative and policy battles, including those over the 2014 effort to defund Obamacare, passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017, and passage the CARES Act in 2020. He also took on other fights to stop federal bureaucratic overreach, limit the size and scope of the federal government, and restore fiscal order in Congress. Before moving to D.C., Ben coordinated grassroots and get-out-the-vote efforts for 45 east Texas counties for the Ted Cruz for Senate campaign during the 2012 runoff election. He served as Deputy Director of Operations during the general election. A graduate of Hillsdale College with honors from both the Politics and German departments, Ben has been steeped in the principles and precepts of limited government, free market economics, and individual liberty. He did two stints as an exchange student in Germany, first on a State Department scholarship where he spent a year living with a German family and attending a German high school (Gymnasium) in Bremen and later for a semester at the University of Saarland. He speaks fluent German. A native Texan, Ben spent his formative years vacationing in and falling in love with Colorful Colorado. Years working the D.C. swamp left him with the strong conviction that most of America’s governing should happen at the state and local level. He finally put his money where his mouth was by moving with his wife and son to Denver and joining the Independence Institute staff.

Prior to his role with II, Ben spent seven years as a United States Senate staffer in Washington, D.C. and a legislative aide for Senator Ted Cruz. While in Washington, he participated in numerous legislative and policy battles, including those over the 2014 effort to defund Obamacare, passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017, and passage the CARES Act in 2020. He also took on other fights to stop federal bureaucratic overreach, limit the size and scope of the federal government, and restore fiscal order in Congress. Before moving to D.C., Ben coordinated grassroots and get-out-the-vote efforts for 45 east Texas counties for the Ted Cruz for Senate campaign during the 2012 runoff election. He served as Deputy Director of Operations during the general election.

A graduate of Hillsdale College with honors from both the Politics and German departments, Ben has been steeped in the principles and precepts of limited government, free market economics, and individual liberty. He did two stints as an exchange student in Germany, first on a State Department scholarship where he spent a year living with a German family and attending a German high school (Gymnasium) in Bremen and later for a semester at the University of Saarland. He speaks fluent German.

A native Texan, Ben spent his formative years vacationing in and falling in love with Colorful Colorado. Years working the D.C. swamp left him with the strong conviction that most of America’s governing should happen at the state and local level. He finally put his money where his mouth was by moving with his wife and son to Denver and joining the Independence Institute staff.

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