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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Relevant Talk Guest, Angela Pearson August 05, 2021

Angela K. Pearson is passionate about her family. She is a devoted mother of three and enjoys helping her

children discover their talents, whether that be wrestling, music, martial arts, a business goal, or themselves. She considers her children to be her biggest accomplishment. Aside from their health and

happiness, she makes it a priority that they understand their basic human rights and encourages them to lead their lives with a moral compass. After her eldest son experienced an adverse reaction to a vaccine, she adopted a conservative approach to the sources from which she receives information. Angela has been a holistic enthusiast for 20 years. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Science and Community Health. She believes earning her degree is a bonus in her life, but it’s not what defines her. She is strongly convinced that having a college education doesn’t make a person smarter than a person without one and that education stems from being open to factual information that isn’t indoctrinated or one-sided.

Being informed on vaccine ingredients and their direct effects, she opted out of the CDC’s vaccine

scheduled program. Her daughter and youngest son never received any vaccinations, and are perfectly

healthy. Unfortunately, her eldest son was diagnosed with systemic lupus, the same autoimmune disease

Angela’s father had.

She advocates for informed consent regardless of where you stand on the matter and is confident that

vaccines are not a one-size-fits-all. Given her history, she believes that every child should have their family

history carefully examined along with the vaccine doses and ingredients before performing this type of

medical procedure.

Angela is a lifestyle mentor and entrepreneur. I Am Not Contagious highlights not only her experience as a

mother, her son’s perspective, but also provides a systematic analysis of human behavior and how it relates

to society and the lack of education on this topic.

The Sports Doctor Guest, Gary Reinl August 04, 2021
Trainer of Trainers, Electric Muscle Stimulation Specialist & Author

Gary Reinl has spent nearly forty years in the sports-medicine field, with diverse experiences ranging from training professional athletes to pioneering the field of strength-building for women during the pregnancy year to developing rehabilitation programs for injured workers. Additionally, his ground-breaking senior strength-building protocol has now been implemented in more than 1,000 senior living facilities. Gary has authored two previous books, Making Mama Fit [Leisure Press, 1983] and the 2007 “fat loss” book Get Stronger, Feel Younger [Rodale Press].
"I simplify the complex worlds of sports medicine, fat loss, rehabilitation, and exercise science. I have trained thousands of therapists, physicians, allied health professionals and athletes on the topics of strength-building and electronic muscle stimulation. My work has been featured in hundreds of media outlets nationwide and I have co-authored two books and many related documents and articles. The "Sports Medicine for 95-year-olds" program that I designed has been implemented into more than 1000 senior living facilities nationwide. For more information see "Too Weak To Walk" here: Specialties: Program development, media and public relations"
Gary lives in Henderson, Nevada, with his wife, Susan. He has two grown children, Mandy and Casey, and three grandchildren, Harper, Hendrick, and Eleuthera.
The Sports Doctor Guest, Mike Andrews August 04, 2021
Medical Fitness Director and Founder of RestoreFit

Mike has a Master of Science degree in applied kinesiology from the University of Illinois-Chicago. He currently is the medical fitness director of RestoreFit where he consults and trains clients ranging from post-rehabilitation to elite level athletes. He brings 40 years of experience, which started under a 7-year apprenticeship with legendary kinesiologist Bob Gajda. After two years at Sports Fitness Institute, he went to Wheaton Orthopedics’ physical therapy department. He finished his day training athletes at Sports Performance and Rehabilitation Institute, located in the same building. During this time, 1980 to 1983, he was the Strength and Conditioning coach for the Chicago Blackhawks.

Mike spent the next 20 years developing health and fitness centers in the greater Chicago area. He continued to train clients and conduct continuing education workshops for personal trainers. Mike worked with Marionjoy Rehabilitation Hospital to integrated patients into Parks Plus Fitness Center, where he was the general manager.

He was the Supervisor of Corporate Fitness for Edward Elmhurst Hospital, bringing health and wellness programs to numerous corporations. At the same time, he privately trained clients and elite level sports teams.

Currently he is affiliated with Right Fit, where he trains clients of various functional abilities, most of whom are over the age of 60 and have one or more medical risk factors. He does in-home training in the western suburbs  of Chicago.


Words Women and Wisdom Show Guest, Brisa Alfaro August 03, 2021
Best Selling Author, Speaker, Coach, Mentor and Breakthrough Specialist

Brisa Alfaro is a Best Selling Author, Speaker, Coach, Mentor and Breakthrough Specialist.

In our interview - Pinky Moves - she shares how she went from immobile to running marathons!  As a result of this transformation "No More Bad Days" hash tag has evolved.

Brisa was a regular, hard working 32 year- old woman who loved life when a rare and severe stroke that resulted in "locked-in syndrome" changed her life forever. This syndrome, that affects about 1% of people who survive strokes, typically leaves them in a vegetative state, for which there is no treatment or cure. It is extremely rare for patients to recover any significant motor functions, and about 90% die within four months of onset.
Afraid that this prognosis would discourage Brisa's family and friends to start giving up hope, she fought and did not succumb to the odds! Brisa was determined to succeed and never gave up the will to keep on fighting. Her total commitment to meet and defeat the challenges she faced, ultimately resulted in making a complete physical recovery, which astounded everyone, including her doctors.
As a child living in a household with drug and alcohol abuse, Jason felt it was his only option to end his life when he was 15 years old. For the next 20 years, he lived his life while secretly fighting his internal struggle. As a master of burying his feelings and emotions, the outside world had no idea what was going on within his mind. Neither did her sweetie Jason. 
Destroying relationships along the way, Jason stumbled upon learning how to understand what was going on in his thoughts. Jason emphasizes that there is always a positive way out, we have to focus on constructive motivation and inspired action to change our outcomes. 
Once you are able to understand how your mind has been uniquely programmed, how you choose to use our mind to overcome seemingly unbeatable odds is absolutely up to you. Together, Jason and Brisa work as a team, or individually to coach you or as a family. It is their passion and purpose to serve and guiding you toward living your limitless life.
Who do you know that could benefit from learning how to tap into the power of their own minds? 

More about Brisa and Jason here:

The Doctors Show:



Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Mark Pfoff July 30, 2021
Former El Paso County Sheriff investigator, owner of Rocky Mountain Computer Forensics

Mark Pfoff




Mark Pfoff is owner of Rocky Mountain Computer Forensics which provides consulting for civil and criminal cases throughout the United States.  He has worked on projects from New York to Alaska. RMCF uses specialized software to examine computers, cell phones and cell phone records.

Mark is a court qualified expert in computer forensics, cell phone forensics, and cell phone technology. He is also an expert in police procedures and investigations; to include interviewing and interrogation techniques, proper digital evidence collection, and methods to obtain best digital evidence.

RMCF's mission statement:

"Provide forensic examinations of digital evidence using best practices; provide accurate and detailed reports of our findings; and provide expert courtroom testimony"

Cattle Rancher

Mark has a herd of Black and Red Angus cattle in Eastern Colorado.  His cattle graze in open pastures during the summer and are fed a combination of hay and grain during the winter. His herd expands every spring with the addition of calves. Mark's herd has grown to over 50 with more calves on the way.

School Board Member

Mark was the longest serving school board member for Lewis-Palmer School District 38 since term limits were enacted.  He was elected three times serving 12 years. He served twice as President and held every position during his tenure.  Lewis-Palmer is a high-achieving school district with one of the highest on-time graduation rates in the state of Colorado.

During his tenure the school district maintained a balanced budget, increased reserves, and was ranked as one of the top ten school districts in Colorado.

He completed his fourth and final term in December of 2019.

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