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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Juli Henry September 17, 2021
Candidate for Colorado Senate

Elect Juli Henry for US Senate


In recent years, our beautiful state of Colorado partook in some of the most dramatic events in American political history. With these events came challenges, much of which have burdened our lives, the lives of our loved ones, and entire communities.

Politics is difficult for many of us to understand – its nature and complexity leaves us heavily reliant on those in power, as we fidget and hope that they fight for us. And while they tell us over and over again that we are their first priority, we somehow end up suffering the consequences of their actions that are even sometimes a result of their own ignorance and impulsivity.

Juli Henry promises a new way forward for our great state of Colorado, and the United States of America.

I love our state, and the people in it. I have dedicated my entire life to community service, and wish to see everyone – regardless of their political affiliation – treated with equal respect and opportunity. This wish of mine is not uncommon, as I am sure we all wish to see the betterment of every person. But unfortunately we have been divided against each other, forced to pick a side, and ultimately finding ourselves in a constant debate between who is right and who is wrong. The entire nation is a victim of this, and Colorado is no different.

I believed the best way to resolve this issue was to serve my country. It didn’t work. I started my own nonprofit to assist those who needed more help than me. It didn’t work. Politics is nothing more than a game, consisting of players who give us false truths, and balance their self-interests with that of their own. And now, after seeing all the pain that we have suffered, have concluded that the only way for real action is to play their silly game, with the intention of creating a positive change: for my family, my community, and my state.

My name is Juli Henry. I am a Colorado wife, mother, Army veteran, and a Republican. More importantly, I am an American, and I know that nothing will change if we ourselves do not enact the action necessary to improve our community. I never imagined myself having to go to such lengths to fight for my rights and the rights instilled in every American, but if it means providing more people the opportunity for prosperity, I am willing to stake my name and wellbeing to ensure such matters.

I hereby announce my candidacy as the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, and with your support, I promise a new way forward for our great state of Colorado, and the United States of America.

Life Changes Show Guest, Jaye Yates August 30, 2021
Singer and Songwriter


My name is Jaye and I’ve thanked The Heavenly Father above for the gifts I have received in music, art and the 6th sense but most of all the spiritual awareness of love and vibrations. I started taking my music more seriously after a car accident at 29 years of age that changed my thoughts about life.

Left my full time job and I bought two old speakers and a second hand desk and started singing around cafes and sporting clubs as background music till I was approached by an agent to do Tribute Shows.

The agent VIP Entertainment Steve and Jennifer thought I had a tone of Cher in my voice so from there I had costumes made, wigs and backing music at Alfredos Studio and off across all sorts of places, entertaining I ventured.

I also then did tributes of Eurythmics, Dusty Springfield, Stevie Nicks and Marilyn.

I was blessed to be able to travel to many places with the tributes, Sydney, Brisbane, Northern Territory, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bali and UK.

I always had original songs floating round in my head and eventually recorded quite a few whilst performing and holding down a part time job in the funeral industry with which I also had the privilege of singing on Funeral Services.

I wrote a song for Suicide prevention with which I help as one of a few charities along with Animals Australia and Romeo Rabbit and guinea Pig rescue.

I love music of all sorts as it has been my love, therapy and balance.

The latest song co-written with Tim Sacke Love Is Like The Ocean… just that! Ups and downs on waves!

A great Italian producer Papik produced the song beautifully and the video was produced by a great talented friend Vaughan Adam’s that took me out on his yacht along with our mate Andy to record on nothing better but the Indian Ocean off Perth Western Australia. The song has a Sade kind of feel as I’ve always loved Sade from the 80s.

I create music for the love and will continue to create with anything that inspires me.

As knowing the funeral industry so well now I also know how short life can be and every day is a precious experience

One More Thing Guest, Geoffrey Mark September 19, 2021
singer, stand-up comedienne, author, actor, producer

Critics have called Geoffrey Mark a walking encyclopedia of show business history.  Born in Brooklyn, New York, Geoffrey has appeared off-Broadway, in summer stock, and has been a singer, and stand-up comedienne in New York nightclubs, cabarets, and on cruises ships.  Geoffrey currently writes comedy, produces documentaries, and reality TV shows.  He's the host of Geoffrey Mark Plays Ella on Apple Podcasts.
Geoffrey's books are the bestselling The Lucy Book, and Ethel Merman:  The Biggest Star of Broadway, and the Family Affair Cookbook.  His newest book is Ella: A Biography of the Legendary Ella Fitzgerald.  Upcoming books include his memoir:  The Devil was Born in Brooklyn and The New Lucy Book.  Geoffrey's books are available on  Stay in touch with Geoffrey on 
Dare To Dream Guest, DANIEL P. SHEEHAN September 15, 2021
Daniel Sheehan is a Harvard College, Harvard Law School and Harvard Divinity School–trained Constitutional Litigation and Appellate Attorney.

This episode is about Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the UFO Phenomenon. My guest is Attorney Danny Sheehan who is the legal representative in the fight with the Pentagon to quicken UFO Disclosure and the ET question of Contact. Daniel P. Sheehan is a 1967 Harvard College-trained American Government & American Foreign Policy Scholar; a 1970 Harvard Law School-trained Constitutional Trial and Appellate Attorney; and an expert in the field of Comparative Social Ethics & Alternative Human Worldviews. Over the past 50 years, as a trial attorney, public speaker, and university educator, Daniel has helped to expose injustice, protect fundamental human rights, and elucidate a compelling vision for the future for our human family. In no field has his work been more appreciated than in the vastly important field of. He is serving as legal counsel for DOD Special Agent Luis Elizondo.

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