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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Threshold To Ascension Radio Guest, Paul Richardson February 07, 2019
Holistic Architect Eco Village Creator Mentor Musician New Earth Visionary

Paul Richardson gained his Architecture qualifications in London, England, where he studied natural building, eco-architecture, and holistic Architecture. He studied briefly under Malaysian Architect Ken Yeang (Bio Climatic Skyscraper), and other reputable Green Architects/natural builders, Sarah Wigglesworth and Jeremy Till, where he came to further develop his understanding of the principles and workings of sustainable design and natural architecture.

In his final Thesis, Paul focussed on a Holistic approach to Sustainable Architecture, bringing together the unseen elements of the world, the sacred in architecture, and combined with natural materials and renewable sources.

After Graduating Post Grad in Architecture, Paul left the UK, and began his working life as an Architect, in the Northeast of America. Here he found himself struggling to honour his path, and found himself in the regular work world, having to support a growing family, and no way to bring to life his studies in Green Architecture and natural building, in any meaningful way.

Working mostly on residential construction projects, ranging from Post and Beam small dwellings, Eco friendly flat pack homes, all the way to multi-million, dollar mansions and beach homes.

After leaving the US in 2011, Paul worked overseas in Asia and Caucus region, delivering projects for some of the wealthiest families in the world. Which included the design, implementation and management of 5 star hotels, Resorts, and VVIP residences and Penthouses.

Although the money was there, and life was relatively easy, Paul became more and more disenchanted with the world of construction, and started to think that Architecture was not his path at all. He experimented with his other passion, music, in the hopes that he may be able to make a difference here, and share his message, but after 2 years of hard work, with several music groups, Paul realized that this was just a distraction, and at the end of 2015, hit a major juncture on his journey.

It was the beginning of 2016, on his 40th birthday when Paul decided it was time to make some drastic changes, and dedicated himself to daily practice of meditation, and self-reflection, to see if he could find peace at least with his present path, and do much needed healing work.

Meditation was helping, but it was in September 2017, after realizing again that he needed to get on his true path, that Paul was called to go to Peru, to the Amazon Rainforest, to spend time there with the medicine men (Shamans).

From there everything changed, and on returning back to Kazakhstan, where he was Project Managing the fitout of 6 star, Hotel, he started receiving details and downloads and found himself with a deep sense of renewed purpose. The creativity and inspiration that had been drummed out of him through the corporate work world, was now back with force (unlike ever before), and Paul became determined not to let this go to waste, and fall back into the comfortable trap of corporate work.

By the end of October 2017, Paul abruptly left his position, after receiving guidance to go to the United States to view a large parcel of land in New Mexico, where he had visions of building a community there, but not only a community, but a living school, that would be an educational and inspiring platform to educate and teach the tools of self-reliance, natural building, permaculture, etc, and facilitate a shift to sovereign community domains.

He founded the concept of Haven Earth, a company that he felt he needed to bring to life to be able to offer some platform to assist with the transition into a community centric model of living, a self-reliant life.

In February 2018, at a workshop on Natural building in South Africa, Paul had a chance to share his vision and designs, and found great reception, especially from the host of the workshop, Alosha Lynov, and few other’s (Engineers and visionaries), who felt a strong connection between their own visions, and what Paul brought to the table, and together they were drawn to work together to make this dream a reality.

From there, Paul and Alosha partnered up, and were invited to be part of a government conference in Moscow, Russia in May 2018, to brainstorm and develop the concept of sustainable cities of the future. Sharing the stage with the likes, as ‘Venus Project’, where they are still working with the main group in Moscow to develop pilot projects outside the capital city, as part of research into creating large sustainable town and city projects somewhere down the road.

Alongside Alosha, and a growing team, Haven Earth Center (partner Bioveda Academy), began to implement small model projects in South Africa and Turkey, and larger, creatively self-reliant community projects in both the United States and Russia. 

Paul’s driving force, is to create a platform, that can facilitate the co-creation of sovereign, creatively self-reliant communities globally, that would connect and share knowledge and tools via workshops, online forums, etc, to get the information out to the general public.

He feels it is the lack of viable visions in the public consciousness, that are limiting our progress toward this goal, and by fearlessly sharing and living his truth and walking his path, and actively developing the vision, with the team, that will inspire many other’s to see there is another way, and that these ways are not so hard to reach, if we make the choice to move in that direction, and away from our failing dominant system.

The Sports Doctor Guest, Judy Gaman February 06, 2019
Award-Winning Author, Speaker, and Radio Show Host

A true inspiration, Judy Gaman is an award-winning author, speaker, and radio show host. She's helped everyone from teens to CEOs. Whether it's finding and developing their passion, or taking steps to live a longer, healthier life, Judy Gaman delivers.  A graduate of the prestigious George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences and the School of Professional Studies, Judy learned how to tie together her knowledge of health and wellness and her desire to educate and inspire others.  She is an award-winning author of four books and is currently working on books five and six simultaneously.  When she is not writing, you can hear her coast-to-coast on the airwaves as she co-hosts the nationally syndicated Staying Young Show with Drs. Mark Anderson and Walter Gaman of Executive Medicine of Texas. Her infectious personality and love of research keep audiences of all ages and backgrounds entertained and educated.

The Sports Doctor Guest, Ty Beshiri February 06, 2019
Head Soccer Coach, Chicago Fire Juniors Academy

Taip Beshiri is the Head Soccer Coach at Chicago Fire Juniors Academy in Chicago.

The Veterans News Hour Guest, John B Wells, founder of Military-Veterans Advocacy February 11, 2019
Executive Director, Military Veterans Advocacy, Inc.; Lawyer, Veterans Advocate, Retired Navy Officer

Attorney John B. Wells is a retired Navy Commander (Surface Warfare) and a disabled veteran, who served from 1972 until 1994. He was assigned to six ships and several shore commands. He is qualified in all aspects of surface warfare including command at sea. He is a graduate of the Surface Warfare Officers School Department Head and PXO schools. Mr. Wells served as a Special-Court Martial convening authority, member, senior member and witness before administrative boards and courts-martial. He has administered non-judicial punishment under Art. 15 of the UCMJ. Mr. Wells attended law school at night while still on active duty. He was a member of the Law Review Staff and contributed to several law school publications. Upon retirement from the military, Mr. Wells settled in Slidell Louisiana and opened a general law practice that emphasized military and veterans law. Mr. Wells has represented military members and veterans throughout the country. He is at home in both state and federal courts and travels often to Washington, D.C. for cases there.

Commander Wells was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in November of 1994, the Supreme Court of Louisiana in October of 1995 and the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in April of 1996. He is also admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States. In addition, Mr. Wells is admitted to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth, Federal and District of Columbia Circuits. He is also a member of the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces and all service courts. He is admitted to practice before the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and the United States Court of Federal Claims. Mr. Wells is also admitted to many federal district courts including the District of Columbia.

Mr. Wells is married to Janice Burton Wells of Perth Australia and has two daughters, five grand-children and one great-grand son. He has spoken before numerous groups on militaty and veterans issues. He is also a frequent guest on the Fox News Channel.

Threshold To Ascension Radio Guest, Paul Richardson January 31, 2019
Holistic Architect Eco Village Creator Mentor Musician New Earth Visionary

Paul Richardson gained his Architecture qualifications in London, England, where he studied natural building, eco-architecture, and holistic Architecture. He studied briefly under Malaysian Architect Ken Yeang (Bio Climatic Skyscraper), and other reputable Green Architects/natural builders, Sarah Wigglesworth and Jeremy Till, where he came to further develop his understanding of the principles and workings of sustainable design and natural architecture.

In his final Thesis, Paul focussed on a Holistic approach to Sustainable Architecture, bringing together the unseen elements of the world, the sacred in architecture, and combined with natural materials and renewable sources.

After Graduating Post Grad in Architecture, Paul left the UK, and began his working life as an Architect, in the Northeast of America. Here he found himself struggling to honour his path, and found himself in the regular work world, having to support a growing family, and no way to bring to life his studies in Green Architecture and natural building, in any meaningful way.

Working mostly on residential construction projects, ranging from Post and Beam small dwellings, Eco friendly flat pack homes, all the way to multi-million, dollar mansions and beach homes.

After leaving the US in 2011, Paul worked overseas in Asia and Caucus region, delivering projects for some of the wealthiest families in the world. Which included the design, implementation and management of 5 star hotels, Resorts, and VVIP residences and Penthouses.

Although the money was there, and life was relatively easy, Paul became more and more disenchanted with the world of construction, and started to think that Architecture was not his path at all. He experimented with his other passion, music, in the hopes that he may be able to make a difference here, and share his message, but after 2 years of hard work, with several music groups, Paul realized that this was just a distraction, and at the end of 2015, hit a major juncture on his journey.

It was the beginning of 2016, on his 40th birthday when Paul decided it was time to make some drastic changes, and dedicated himself to daily practice of meditation, and self-reflection, to see if he could find peace at least with his present path, and do much needed healing work.

Meditation was helping, but it was in September 2017, after realizing again that he needed to get on his true path, that Paul was called to go to Peru, to the Amazon Rainforest, to spend time there with the medicine men (Shamans).

From there everything changed, and on returning back to Kazakhstan, where he was Project Managing the fitout of 6 star, Hotel, he started receiving details and downloads and found himself with a deep sense of renewed purpose. The creativity and inspiration that had been drummed out of him through the corporate work world, was now back with force (unlike ever before), and Paul became determined not to let this go to waste, and fall back into the comfortable trap of corporate work.

By the end of October 2017, Paul abruptly left his position, after receiving guidance to go to the United States to view a large parcel of land in New Mexico, where he had visions of building a community there, but not only a community, but a living school, that would be an educational and inspiring platform to educate and teach the tools of self-reliance, natural building, permaculture, etc, and facilitate a shift to sovereign community domains.

He founded the concept of Haven Earth, a company that he felt he needed to bring to life to be able to offer some platform to assist with the transition into a community centric model of living, a self-reliant life.

In February 2018, at a workshop on Natural building in South Africa, Paul had a chance to share his vision and designs, and found great reception, especially from the host of the workshop, Alosha Lynov, and few other’s (Engineers and visionaries), who felt a strong connection between their own visions, and what Paul brought to the table, and together they were drawn to work together to make this dream a reality.

From there, Paul and Alosha partnered up, and were invited to be part of a government conference in Moscow, Russia in May 2018, to brainstorm and develop the concept of sustainable cities of the future. Sharing the stage with the likes, as ‘Venus Project’, where they are still working with the main group in Moscow to develop pilot projects outside the capital city, as part of research into creating large sustainable town and city projects somewhere down the road.

Alongside Alosha, and a growing team, Haven Earth Center (partner Bioveda Academy), began to implement small model projects in South Africa and Turkey, and larger, creatively self-reliant community projects in both the United States and Russia. 

Paul’s driving force, is to create a platform, that can facilitate the co-creation of sovereign, creatively self-reliant communities globally, that would connect and share knowledge and tools via workshops, online forums, etc, to get the information out to the general public.

He feels it is the lack of viable visions in the public consciousness, that are limiting our progress toward this goal, and by fearlessly sharing and living his truth and walking his path, and actively developing the vision, with the team, that will inspire many other’s to see there is another way, and that these ways are not so hard to reach, if we make the choice to move in that direction, and away from our failing dominant system.

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