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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Life Changes Show Guest, Connie Costa January 21, 2019
Transformational Coach, International Speaker, Published Writer & Entrepreneur


Connie Costa is a Transformational Coach, International Speaker, Published Writer & Entrepreneur. She graduated from Antioch University with a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology with an Applied Community Psychology Specialization.

Connie was personally mentored and coached by legendary life-coach, inspirational speaker and best-selling author, Alan Cohen. She received her coaching certificate from the Foundation for Holistic Life Coaching. Her clients are mostly women, LGBT, and celebrities.

She produces inspirational/networking/foodie events and leads workshops and retreats in Beverly Hills, Ojai & Italy.  She is the author of, “I Give Myself Butterflies”, coming out in 2019. Join her on her next Exclusive & Unique Food Tour in Italy.

Life Changes Show Guest, Cory Pesaturo January 21, 2019


Winner of the 2018 Guinness World Record

Life Changes Show Guest, Colin Martin January 14, 2019
Guitarist, Singer and Songwriter


The Story Doesn't Have A Beginning…..

….as we experience the middle parts, we see that open doorways let us embrace the illusion of a new beginning……and that helps to make life fun.  Over and over again.  So open the door and BEGIN! 

My name is Colin.  I sometimes feel the need to BE AMAZING in life.  My head and my heart whisper things to me like “you can do anything you put your mind to” and “follow your dreams and never give up.”  And when I let my dreams form in my consciousness, they include music and community, family and compassion, Mother Earth and healthy people.  I grew up in the east of the United States near the Pennsylvania/Ohio/West Virginia area.  I’ve been with music my whole life and even chose to study it in university to further my understanding.  I have traveled the world through North and South America, Europe and Asia, always with a guitar on my shoulder or a saxophone slung around my neck.  

The journey has always been good to me and continues even on this day.  The consistent mystery of life tosses me into the wildest experiences.  Through those experiences I learn so many cool things that make me more prepared for this NOW MOMENT!  What am I doing now?  That’s what is important.  

Well I can tell you this, I am singing in my heart and paying attention to the world around me.  I have the responsibility to be amazing with my life.  Shining gratitude on all the wonderful blessings shown to me: my inclination toward music, my loving and patient family, my relationships, friends, collaborators, teachers, my girlfriend, my health and happiness and my ability to create and nurture those things every moment, is a practice every day.

Life Changes Show Guest, Richard Krawczyk January 14, 2019
Serial entrepreneur, digital marketing consultant, business strategist, social media influencer, former TV host, author, public speaker, and investor


Known as Mr. Blueprint, Richard Krawczyk is a serial entrepreneur, digital marketing consultant, business strategist, social media influencer, former TV host, author, public speaker, and investor.

He is the Co-Founder and CEO of the tech startup Zenith Data and CEO of the digital marketing agency Blueprint Digital Media.

As one of the Top 1% of social media influencers globally, Richard assisted the world-class social media team on behalf of Access Hollywood and the Vanity Fair Social Club in covering the 2015 Golden Globe Awards and the 2015 and 2016 Academy Awards. His timeline deliveries on Twitter exceeded 1.4 BILLION during Oscars Week, which included the 2016 Academy Awards. During that week, his reach was the equivalent of 10 Super Bowl ads – at a time when each Super Bowl ad ran $5.5 million dollars for each spot.

He also co-starred in a follow-up movie to The Secret called Pass It On.

Richard is an avid supporter of youth activities, such as drum & bugle corps, where he was fortunate to perform in The Cavaliers from Rosemont, IL in 1984 and 1985, where he honed his disciplined lifestyle. He is also a die-hard Chicago Cubs and Chicago Bears fan.

Interviewing The Legends Guest, Dr Neil Ratner February 12, 2019
anesthesiologist, musician and author

N  E  I  L    R  A  T  N  E  R   M  D






Neil Ratner quit college in the late sixties and traversed the Hollywood celebrity world as a successful road manager for names like Edgar Winters White Trash and tour manager for Emerson Lake and Palmer. He established a full-service production company (a pioneering approach at this stage) to support the artists on tour and worked with T-Rex, Genesis, Pink Floyd and many others. Later in his career he managed the successful songwriter Denise Rich and built Dream Factory studios in NYC. Denise was the wife of Marc Rich, (one of the world’s most successful commodities traders, indicted in the largest case of tax evasion ever brought against an individual in the US at that time) After his successful career in the music industry he decided it was time to follow his heart and pursue his other childhood dream of becoming an MD. Even though not a single American school wanted to take him, he didn’t give up and moved to Mexico to get his medical degree. He made it back into the American system and after many years of residency Neil became an anesthesiologist. Traditionally anesthesiologists worked in hospitals, but Neil had other ideas. He was the first to take the practice of anesthesia out of the hospital and into doctors’ offices in NYC. When Propofol became available in the U.S. in the late 1980 s Neil was one of the first to become expert in its usage as it was a perfect drug for office use. His relationship with the top plastic and reconstructive surgeons in New York allowed him to treat a number of high-profile patients. That is how Neil met Michael Jackson. He became his personal doctor and a close friend. They had a lot in common. Neil accompanied the star from late 1997 until his last performance in 2001. Neil became a trusted friend of Michael's from 1994 to 2002, periodically going on tour and spending time with Michael at Neverland.

Rock Doc is Neil’s remarkable journey about Rock & Roll and Michael Jackson, Nelson Mandela, a prison sentence with very unexpected results and how helping the poorest of the poor became a key part of his life.

Purchase Rock Doc the brand-new book by

Neil Ratner MD

 at amazon

ROCK DOC will take you from backstage at a Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon concert in the early seventies, where Neil's production company, Circus Talents, Ltd. was providing production services, to the office operating rooms of elite New York surgeons where Neil Ratner MD was Director of Anesthesia. Neil was an aspiring rock n roll drummer but ended up on the other side of the business working as both a tour manager for Emerson, Lake, & Palmer and providing production for the Pink Floyd. After a bad attack of kidney stones and a stint in the hospital, Neil had an epiphany and decided to pursue his childhood dream of becoming a doctor.

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