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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Know the Name Know the Answers Guest, Jill Dahne August 29, 2019
Author, Psychic

Gifted since childhood, Jill is considered one of the

Country's Premier Psychics.

(954) 326-9420 readings

With an accuracy rate of nearly 98%, She has predicted over 750 marriages, helped save numerous lives, and is a consultant to major businesses and industry professionals.

Folklore has it that psychic ability is hereditary. Jill Dahne is living proof. As the daughter of renowned psychic, Micki Dahne, Jill has demonstrated a world class ability of her own.

When a young school girl, Jill was sent home early for telling the teachers what they were going to write before they wrote it. At the age of thirteen, Jill predicted, on radio, a terrorist attack one month before it occurred. Currently, Jill Dahne is listed as the #1 Love Psychic in "100 Top Psychics in America" and the Most Amazing Teenage Psychic in America in "Ripleys Believe it or Not".

Named one of the top 5 psychics by Woman's Own Magazine and American Woman's Magazine, she has also been written up by the "Miami Herald", the "Baltimore News", the "National Enquirer", the "Globe", the "Star", and a host of other publications.

She has predicted over 750 marriages; and, in 1992 predicted on television that in 1998 President Clinton would be involved in a sex scandal. She also predicted his Election and Re-election.

Jill is also a medical intuitive and helps people all around the world solve their medical puzzles.

Jill has appeared on Lifetime televisions’ Beyond Chance , "Geraldo", where she helped families of missing children, the "Christina" show, "Miami Tonight" and was one of the first psychics to appear on educational television. She has been heard on radio across the country, where she predicted the outcome of the 1997 World Series two months before the game.

Her radio show "the Love Psychic" is a smash hit in the South Florida marketplace. As the psychic to the Stars, Jill has worked with many famous personalities, including the Presley family.

Jill's accuracy as a Clairvoyant has made her a premier psychic, sought out from all corners of the globe.

The Sports Doctor Guest, Sara Auster August 28, 2019
Sound Therapist, Meditation Teacher, Corporate Mindfullness Consultant, Author & Composer

Sara Auster is a New York City–based sound therapist and meditation teacher. Sara has travelled the world to facilitate immersive Sound Bath experiences using the transformative power of sound and deep listening. From the boardrooms of Google to the galleries of MoMA, from hotels to hospitals, grade schools to Madison Square Garden, her work has been a driving force in bringing Sound Baths to modern culture. Sara’s thoughtfully crafted experiences allow sound to be used as a tool to invite meditative states, support self-inquiry and cultivate deep relaxation. She is a thought leader on how to inspire meaningful connection through listening.

Sara Auster is changing the way the world is engaging with sound and the act of listening.  As a sound therapist, meditation teacher, and artist, she has been a driving force in bringing Sound Baths to contemporary culture.  Using a holistic approach to well-being with the transformative power of music and sound, her carefully crafted experiences allow sound to be used as a tool to access meditative states, support self-inquiry, cultivate deep relaxation, and inspire meaningful connection and change. 

At the age of twenty-three, Sara was working full-time as an artist and musician in her New York City studio when the floor collapsed leaving her back broken in 4 places and temporarily paralyzed. Her physicians at the time told Sara she would live a life of chronic pain, limited mobility, and prescription drugs. This diagnosis led Sara to embark on a journey of recovery from physical and emotional trauma. By way of this healing process, she created a uniquely approachable method based on over a decade of study in psychoacoustics, yoga and meditation, and a lifetime of experience in music and art. 

In 2014 Sara co-created the Mindful Music + Sound Series at Tibet House, and began to serve on their associate board. This experience inspired Sara to expand her sound offerings to more cultural institutions and public spaces eventually leading her to curate and facilitate unique, site specific sound bath experiences, for up to 10,000 people at a time, in iconic venues such as: The Museum of Modern Art, Madison Square Garden, Palais de Tokyo, Lincoln Center, One World Observatory, The Rubin Museum and SummerStage in Central Park.

Sara’s work in making meditation and Sound Baths accessible to all, has gained her recognition as a leading voice in the wellness movement. She has been invited to speak about mindfulness and sound for companies such as Google, Microsoft and American Express.  Her work has been featured in several global media outlets including: The New York Times, Time Magazine, Vice, Quartz and Billboard Magazine and was named a top meditation by Oprah Magazine in 2016. Sara has lead immersive workshops and certificate trainings at NYU, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, The New York Open Center, The Rubin Museum, and MNDFL.

Through Sound Baths, sound meditation, community events, education and corporate mindfulness training, Sara facilitates mindful and immersive experiences that allow participants access to improved focus, expansive creativity, and deep human connection through listening.  

The Sports Doctor Guest, Reed Maltbie August 28, 2019
Speaker, Developer, Author- Providing coaches with the skills, tools & knowledge for #RaisingExcellence in Every Child

Coach Reed is Founder of Raising Excellence, which trains coaches, educators, and sport leaders through digital learning, live training symposia, and custom-built education and certification systems. His clients range from grassroots to National Governing Bodies, and  he provides curriculum support, coach development resources, and assists with the deployment large scale education, certification, and training through videos, workshops, and mentor programs to thousands of coaches across North America.

 He is also the Co-Creator of Positive Discipline Tools for Coaches with Dr. Jane Nelsen, which are focused on empowering coaches to implement social emotional learning and behavioral collaboration methods in coaching, and he is Co-Founder of Coaches REALM, a coach-mentoring and development platform focused on helping coaches create and execute a long-term personal and professional development plan to holistically hone and refine their craft through a proprietary 1 on 1 mentoring and accountability process.

Since the release of his 2015 TEDx Talk “Echoes Beyond the Game”, he’s become a regular guest on radio shows, podcasts, and TV programs across the globe and a highly regarded public speaker known for his dynamic, insightful, and compelling presentations.

Founder Raising Excellence

Co-Creator, Positive Discipline Tools for Coaches

Coach Mentor, Join The Coaches REALM

"I Develop Leaders Who Transform Lives - By equipping those who influence our children with the tools, skills, and knowledge necessary to leave a positive legacy, I help ensure we are #RaisingExcellence in Every Child. Every Day."

Coach Reed is Founder of Raising Excellence, a coaching development company that trains coaches, educators, and sport leaders by providing the tools, skills, and knowledge necessary for unlocking individual, everyday excellence in every child.

Coach Reed is also the co-creator of Positive Discipline Tools for Coaches with Dr. Jane Nelsen, and Co-founder Coaches REALM, a coach mentoring and development platform focused on helping coaches create and execute a long-term personal and professional development plan.

With 30 years of experience as an educator/coach and Masters’ degrees in both Sport Psychology and Early Childhood Education, Reed offers a wealth of practical and science-based experience to provide real solutions to the issues we face in youth sports today.

Since the release of his TEDx talk “Echoes Beyond the Game”, he has become a trusted educator and advisor to sports organizations worldwide. Reed’s unique gifts are creating passion and purpose in others and distilling complex theories into understandable and easily implementable practices.

I develop leaders who transform lives.

Life Changes Show Guest, Jems July 22, 2019
The transcendent alternative folk trio


Following their success as solo artists, Emily Colombier, Jessica Rotter, and Sarah Margaret Huff joined forces to create the transcendent Alternative Folk trio, JEMS.  Emily and Jessica grew up in Los Angeles singing together, both children of professional musicians.  Sarah Margaret was introduced to Jessica and Emily shortly after moving to LA from Nashville in 2015. Through collaborations on their own projects, they discovered how beautifully their voices blended and decided to share their music with the world. Sarah Margaret Huff’s bright soaring timbre is combined with Emily Colombier’s soulful earthy quality and met in the middle by Jessica Rotter’s colorful blend of the two. Through rich three-part harmonies, JEMS weaves stories, sounds, and raw emotion with a shimmering fervor. Listeners of all kinds can’t seem to resist the songwriting prowess and vocal alchemy of JEMS.

Their self-titled debut album echoes the journey they have had as a trio. Three uniquely individualistic singer-songwriters combining their different voices and stories to craft an album with a message of individuality and self-acceptance in all moments of life. Each member of JEMS has had deep experiences owning their own truth and identity, despite environments or circumstances that could have silenced their authenticity. As a trio, their shared voice is that of strength and chooses to boldly illuminate vulnerability. Through songwriting sessions that sometimes look more like group therapy, the three are able to write on one another’s life experiences and empathetically build a bridge to a broader message. The trio is inspired by the sounds of Laurel Canyon and the musical storytelling and authentic performances that defined that era. They hope to break open the time capsule and artistically balance musicality and lyrical intellect in a relatable and emotional way.

Life Changes Show Guest, Dr Bradley Nelson July 22, 2019
Programmer, Author and Teacher of the Body Code System


I want to tell you the story about how I began on my healing journey…

My name is Dr Bradley Nelson DC (ret) and I am one of those lucky people who was blessed to discover an incredible secret that I want to share with you.

It is a secret that has transformed my life and the lives of thousands of people across the world…and I know it will do the same for you.

Now, before we go on to that, I want to share with you an inspiring story, it’s the story of how I found my true calling, and why I must share this knowledge with you…

Overcoming a Debilitating Disease as a 13 Year Old Boy…

When I was 13 years old, I was diagnosed with kidney disease. At the hospital, the Doctors told us that there was no treatment for what I had. They told me to be careful not to run or play too hard, because it could be dangerous.

I remember thinking that they didn’t really need to tell me that, because just walking would sometimes create pain in my back that would make me feel like I had been stabbed with a knife. Since this disease was potentially fatal, and since there was no medical treatment for it, my parents decided to try an alternative. They took me to see a couple of Osteopathic Doctors who practiced and lived in a trailer house situated in the middle of a field on the outskirts of town.

Their names were Dr. Alan Bain and Dr. Ida Harmon. “Doc and Ida” started working on me, and within a couple of weeks, I felt much better.The pain that I had been experiencing was much less frequent, and much less severe.

After about a month, I had just about forgotten that I was ever sick. My parents took me back to the clinic, where they ran the tests on me again. The tests were all negative, and as I recall, that was the 1st time I ever heard the phrase “spontaneous remission.” “Whatever we did must’ve worked!” – But of course, they hadn’t done anything. I knew in my heart that what my “alternative Doctors” had done HAD worked.

Finding My True Calling

I decided then and there that I wanted to be a Doctor when I grew up, but not just any kind of Dr, I wanted to be THAT kind of doctor. If I had to practice in a trailer house in the middle of a muddy field, that was okay with me.

Doc and Ida treated people by the busload who’d come to them from all over, even from other states. They were miracle workers, and my life would never be the same after my experience with them.

I remember very distinctly lying on my back on their table during a treatment session and telling Dr. Harmon, “When I grow up, I want to do what you do.” She replied, “No you don’t. If you go to school you’ll never learn the right way to heal. They’ll fill your head so full of dogma and nonsense that you’ll never be able to think for yourself again.” Maybe it was my age, but for some reason this advice really stayed with me.

A Detour Into the World of Computer Programming

As the years went on my dream of being a healer started to fade a bit. I was introduced to computer programming in college and I loved it. I loved business, and decided that I wouldn’t go into the healing arts after all. Instead, I was going to become a businessman.

When I was about 6 months away from starting the MBA program at Brigham Young University, my wife Jean and I went home to Montana for Christmas. As we were sitting with my mother and father in their living room, my father suddenly asked me, “Are you sure you don’t want to go to Chiropractic school? You’ve always wanted to do that, and it seems like a really great career.” I replied that, “No, I’ve decided to get my MBA, so I’m really going in a different direction.” He said “Well, why don’t you think about it one more time?” I told him that I would.

Receiving Direction From Above

Later that evening, Jean and I drew up a pro and con list. On one side was chiropractic, and on the other side was the MBA and the business world. The list was a little longer on the chiropractic side, but I wasn’t convinced. However, I was now not so sure what I really wanted to do. I had thought that my mind was made up, but now I felt like I was being torn between two exciting futures.

When Jean and I got married, we made an agreement that we would never make any momentous or important decision without praying about it to see if it was right. This was definitely one of those momentous decisions. So, that night found me on my knees. I essentially said, “Father in heaven, if it makes any difference to you, please help me to know what direction to go. I will go either way.”

I was awakened in the middle of the night with my mind full of thoughts about healing, and how wonderful it is to be able to serve other people that way. I remember thinking, “Well yes, that’s true, but this other direction is good, too….”

I had this experience 3 times that night. I woke up 3 times, and each time my mind was full of these “warm fuzzy feelings” about going into the healing arts. Nevertheless, I wasn’t convinced. (Do I seem a bit thick headed to you?)

The Single Most Pivotal Moment in My Life…

The next night found me on my knees once again, asking God for guidance. And this was a night that I will never forget if I live to be one million years old. This night, like the night before, I was awakened 3 times. And each time I was awakened, my mind was filled with the same thoughts as the night before. But somehow these feelings became progressively stronger and more powerful each time I was awakened.

The third time that I woke up that night my mind was overflowing with thoughts of service to mankind and to humanity; it’s impossible for me to describe what this experience was like. The feelings were absolutely overwhelming, and as my head was filled with thoughts of healing and helping the world, a voice spoke to me.

That voice was crystal clear, and it was as distinct and audible as anything I’ve ever heard. It said, “This is a sacred calling.”

The Body is a Sacred Temple

I’ve reflected on this experience many times since then. And I believe, because the human body is actually a sacred “temple” for our spirit to inhabit, that any time we are working to help that body function better, we are doing a sacred thing. If we are sewing up an injury, if we are helping someone who is disabled, if we are healing someone who is in need of healing, we are doing a sacred thing.

I ended up going to chiropractic school later that year. It was one of the great experiences of my life, and thanks to my classmates, it was a truly enlightening experience. But even so I was very much on guard. I remembered Ida’s warning to me from many years before, that I would lose the ability to think for myself.

No matter what healing method was taught by my instructors as being the “best way” to fix this or that problem, my attitude was always, “Well, maybe, maybe not. Maybe there’s a better way to do this, it just hasn’t been figured out yet.”

Computer Programming and the Healing Arts?

By this time, I had become pretty good at computer programming. In fact, I was able to help put myself through chiropractic school by programming the admissions software that our college used.

I remember my instructors saying how the brain is the most sophisticated computer in the known universe. And I can remember thinking, “Wow. If the brain is really a computer, will we ever have the ability to access the data that must be stored in there, because if we could, it would be amazing.”

I figured that someday, as technology advanced, we might eventually gain this ability. Little did I know how accessing the subconscious database would affect my practice and the rest of my life!

When I went into practice for myself one of the very first patients that I treated was a man who weighed about 300 pounds. He was in tears because he was in so much pain. I remember feeling a sense of panic wondering, “How can I know what this man really needs? What if I don’t do the right thing? How can I really help this man to get well as quickly as possible?”

My First Contact With the Power of The Body Code

I said a silent prayer to God at that point. “Father in Heaven, you got me into this. You need to help me now, if you will.” And He did. Somehow I was able to help that man to get out of pain in short order.

I came to rely on prayer. I prayed all the time for help, although no one knew it. I practiced for 20 years in one form or another, and it was my habit to ask a short, silent prayer of help for each patient that I treated, each time I treated them. I prayed that God would give me the “Gift of Healing,” one of the spiritual gifts that are spoken of in the Scriptures. I think I pestered Him for that gift on a daily basis for at least 10 years.

I learned for myself that prayers are answered. My patients got well. There were times, especially during the last years that I was in practice when the patient might present a problem that I didn’t know how to deal with, something that I had never seen before, and there were times when, in answer to my silent prayer of help, the information I needed to know would instantly flood into my mind. Sometimes this information was a completely different way of looking at things than I had never even considered before.

Leaving my Practice to Spread the Power of The Body Code

I loved my patients. I considered them my good friends. Leaving my practice was one of the hardest things that I ever had to do.

I was a bit like Marcus Welby M.D. If you’re old enough to remember, Marcus Welby was a medical doctor, and probably the 1st “Dr. show” that appeared on TV. During my childhood in the 1960s, it was one of my favorite shows and for some strange reason it made a huge impact on me. Dr. Welby was general practitioner, a “family Dr.”

He took care of families, and the show was always interesting because you never knew what was going to happen from one episode to the next. Sometimes I felt like a family doctor myself. I took care of families in many cases, working with everything from childhood asthma to the problems of old age.

“If we can find those imbalances, and fix them, perhaps your symptoms will go away”

As time went on, my patient’s problems seemed to increase in complexity as my ability to help them increased. The last 10 years that I spent in practice I specialized in working with people who were suffering from conditions that were considered “incurable” by Western medicine, complex problems like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, and even cancer.

Consistently I told these patients, “I don’t treat diseases. I don’t claim to cure diseases. I simply try to find the imbalances that are going on in the body. I believe that the symptoms that you are having are because of imbalances that are going on in your body. If we can find those imbalances, and fix them, perhaps your symptoms will go away.” And go away they did.

During those years, I saw patients with these difficult problems from all over the US and Canada. The vast majority of them got well, and quite rapidly. I didn’t end up helping everyone, and my success rate was not 100%, but it was very close to 100%.

Teaching Others to Help Themselves…

Somewhere along the line I developed this very powerful feeling that people could do a lot to help themselves. I had this deep, driving urge to empower people. I begin teaching seminars to do just that in 1998, and taught as many seminars to as many people as I could around the US and Canada for many years. But I was wearing myself out. I was working in my practice 60 hours a week and then flying off on weekends teaching seminars, and my family was suffering for it.

In 2002 I got a message from “upstairs” that I needed to turn my practice over to someone else, and sell everything I owned. It had become clear to me that these healing methods that I developed were not just for me or my patients.

These healing methods that I had developed were for the whole world…including you.

Letting Go of Emotional Baggage with The Emotion Code

I had to get out of practice so that I would have time to write “The Emotion Code.” I left practice in 2004, and in June of 2007 I published “The Emotion Code.” The success of that book has been astonishing to me, it taught me how powerful the written word is. There are people now on every continent and in nearly every country who are using The Emotion Code to get rid of their own emotional baggage and the best part is that they are helping their loved ones to do the same.

I get e-mails every day from people whose lives are changing; who are falling in love for the first time because they got rid of their Heart-Wall; people who are getting rid of their anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, depression, as well as their pain and discomfort.

I’ve been all over the world teaching The Emotion Code Seminar, from Australia to Germany, from Toronto to Auckland, from Seattle to New York City, from Dublin to Amsterdam.

The Emotion Code is Only One Small Piece of a Larger Picture…

But The Emotion Code was only one piece of the puzzle. Since our “trapped emotions” are the single most common kind of imbalance that we suffer from, it was the first piece of healing information that I needed to get out to the world.

The truth was that even with its worldwide popularity,The Emotion Code was just the tip of the iceberg.

The entire system that I had put together during those years that I was in practice, a system that I called “The Body Code”, was the essential, groundbreaking “missing piece” that I now needed to share with the world.

My Secret Weapon: Computer Programming and The Subconscious Mind?

Because of my years as a computer programmer I was always trying to combine the use of a computer with the healing work that I was doing. The Body Code was developed in response to my need to figure out what was really wrong with people in the absolute shortest timeframe possible.

I ran my practice in such a way that I had about 10 minutes per patient visit. That might not seem like a whole lot of time, and it’s not. I knew other holistic practitioners who would easily spend an hour with a patient. But I had a secret weapon, and that was the ability to access their Subconscious Mind through muscle testing. As time went on, I developed a “mind mapping” system that was perfect for my needs.

After The Emotion Code was published, I had a vague idea in the back of my mind that eventually I would teach The Body Code System to doctors. Although I had taught it in seminars before, I had no plans to teach it again, as I was putting all of my effort into getting The Emotion Code out to the world.

However, that was about to change.

“Share This Knowledge With Everyone…”

One early morning in August of 2008, I woke up to find my mind full of a very specific instruction to “Take all the information that you have gained, take everything that you have learned about healing, and put it into a self-study course that anyone can use and learn, and make it available to everyone, everywhere.”

It’s hard to describe how crystal-clear this instruction was. There was no question that this is what I was supposed to do. Yet for just a moment the thought of how much work this was going to be made me look upward and ask, “Are you sure about this?” (There was no response to this question, but I wasn’t expecting one, really)

I spent the next year working non-stop on The Body Code System. I would start working on it before the sun was up and often still be working on it after midnight.

It’s Really More a Matter of “Remembering” Than Learning

I believe that The Body Code System is the most advanced method of energetic healing and of natural healing that exists on the planet today.

It’s really amazing. And while I would love to take credit for it, I will never do that because I believe that I’m just the messenger. I believe that everything that has happened to me in my life has prepared me to be this messenger, to bring The Body Code System to the world, to bring The Emotion Code to the world, to give back the healing birthright that belongs to every single one of us, to turn us back into the healers that we are capable of being.

If this story resonates with your heart, if you can feel the truth of it, then I hope you will join me. There is so much you can do to help yourself to get well and stay well.

There are people all around you who need your help. You can help them. You can heal their lives. It’s really more a matter of “remembering” than learning. Somewhere, deep inside of you, there is a mighty healer that is about to awaken. I am honored to be in your presence, and to share this sacred knowledge with you.

To uncovering the potential in yourself,

Dr Bradley Nelson DC

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