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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Featured Guest Interviews

Making A Difference Guest, Susan Holland March 14, 2020
Executive Director Cancer Schmancer

Susan joined the Cancer Schmancer team in July 2008 as a Special Events Coordinator. She volunteered with the organization at its inception due to losing her father and many friends to Cancer. She shifted from events and marketing into her present position as Executive Director. She is a health advocate in her own right and has a passion for developing relationships and connecting people through moments that entertain and make a difference in health across the board. Before joining Cancer Schmancer, Susan Executive Produced a travel series with her former husband. She holds a degree in Fashion Merchandising & Business and specializes in fashion buying, media sales, public relations, and event production. She is a proud mother of two daughters and is a dedicated martial artist and spin cyclist.    

Making A Difference Guest, Sabrina Coleman March 14, 2020
Actress and Media Correspondent

Sabrina was born on Long Island, NY, and from an early age knew that entertainment was a calling she could not ignore. Her Sicilian background helped nurture her talents for singing and acting by creating a pathway and platform at family functions to let her talent shine. As she matured, she ran her family’s Italian restaurants and, with the encouragement of her mother, set out to New York City and started vocal lessons with top Vocal coach to the stars – Don Lawrence. It was there that Sabrina was able to free herself and venture out to explore how strong her talent was.  

Cosmic LOVE Guest, Jon Rappoport March 14, 2020
Investigative Reporter, Author

Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative reporter for over 35 years and most recently his blog at: has been fundamental in bringing sanity to the Coronavirus fear mongering.  

He is the author of three explosive collections,, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX.

He has written articles on politics, health, media, culture and art for LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, Village Voice, Nexus, CBS Healthwatch, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe.

In 1982, the LA Weekly submitted his name for a Pulitzer prize, for his interview with the president of El Salvador University, where the military had taken over the campus.

Jon has hosted, produced, and written radio programs and segments in Los Angeles and Las Vegas (KPFK, KLAV). He has appeared as a guest on over 200 radio and television programs, including ABC's Nightline, Tony Brown's Journal (PBS), and Hard Copy.

In 1994, Jon ran for a seat in the US Congress from the 29th district in Los Angeles.  After six months of campaigning, on a very small budget, he garnered 20 percent of the vote running against an incumbent who had occupied his seat for 20 years.

In 1996, Jon started The Great Boycott, against eight corporate chemical giants: Monsanto, Dow, Du Pont, Bayer, Hoechst, Rhone-Poulenc, Imperial Chemical Industries, and Ciba-Geigy.  The Boycott continues to operate today.

Jon has lectured extensively all over the US on the question: Who runs the world and what can we do about it?

Since 2000, Jon has operated largely away from the mainstream because, as he puts it, "My research was not friendly to the conventional media."

Over the last 30 years, Jon's independent research has encompassed such areas as: deep politics, conspiracies, alternative health, the potential of the human imagination, mind control, the medical cartel, symbology, and solutions to the takeover of the planet by hidden elites.

He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power.

A painter, Jon's work has been shown in galleries in Los Angeles and New York. His poetry has been published by The Massachusetts Review.

He is a graduate of Amherst College (BA, Philosophy), and lives with his wife, Dr. Laura Thompson, in San Diego.

Ever wonder why 1 out of 3 Americans are getting cancer,
or why Coronavirus fear is so prevalent in the media now?
  Are you aware that six of the ten most profitable Wall Street
 stocks profit from the treatment (and creation) of disease?
Would you agree that the Hippocratic Oath was never meant
to mean, “Do no harm unless it pays well”… or that
A pound of treatment is worth 16x’s more than
an ounce of prevention

Jon Rappoport is an investigative journalist, author and publisher of the website He has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years,
writing articles on politics, medicine, and health. Jon has delivered lectures and
seminars on politics, logic, health care, and creative power to audiences globally.
   He returns to give the back story behind coronavirus, your immune system and
fearless truth in media and medicine for global holistic healing.

Know the Name Know the Answers Guest, RJ Redden March 12, 2020
Technology Coach

Let's just skip the business babble and get down to it, shall we?
I come to work every day because I help solve one of the biggest problems in marketing a business: Everyone is guessing.
What's going to bring qualified clients to your doorstep? Maybe if you focus on building your email list... step up that social media posting... go Live more often... then that will be the magic formula that inspires potential clients to beat down your door.
And hey, all of these things do work. I've used them myself. But the fact is, those methods burn a lot of midnight oil.


I'm here because I've discovered a method that works very well: Messenger Marketing (also known as bots).
Bots allow you to:

  1) Have a one on one conversation with potential clients

  2) Get answers to all your questions

  3) Be able to qualify potential clients - automagically
Most of all, bots have been freakin' amazing for my business. And I want to tell every single solopreneur I know.
Fun Facts
I've been coaching people about technology since 1998. That's even before we were worried about the year 2000 destroying all computers everywhere.
I remember Oregon Trail, and actually have died from dysentery.
I once spent five months in a country where I didn't know the language, just so I could learn how to explain things more effectively to people.
Note: The results were both great and terrible. My explaining skills greatly increased, but I also did get kicked off a train once. (It was NOT moving at the time.)
I love teaching technology like it's my best friend. And I have the most outstanding clients on Earth.
The Veterans News Hour Guest, Michael Malone March 23, 2020
Texas Veterans Commission Policy and Program Specialist

Michael Malone   -   Biography

Born: Dayton, Ohio

Entered Military Service: US Navy, May 1984. Completed two Western Pacific deployments aboard USS Peleliu (LHA 5) and separated from service during the 1988 reduction-in-force of March 1988 as a Hull Maintenance Technician Petty Officer Second Class.

Reenlisted US Navy March 1991. Served at the following assignments: USS Philippine Sea (CG 58), Naval Station Annapolis, USS John Young (DD 973) one of the first Naval ships sent in response to 9-11 to the Gulf, and Helicopter Combat Support Squadron THREE (HSC 3). Completing two Mediterranean deployments, a Baltic Cruise, and two additional Western Pacific deployments.

While assigned at Naval Station Annapolis, I converted from Hull Maintenance Technician Petty Officer First Class to Navy Counselor (Fleet) Petty Officer First Class. (basically changed my MOS from being a welder to being a Career Counselor/Planner)

Transferred to inactive Naval Reserve May 2007, and was officially Retired from Naval service April 2017.

Following service:

Member of IUPAT 88 (International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, Local 88) as a Glazer Journeyman and Foreman. Hired as a local glazing companies certified welder, 2007 – 2010.

Certified welder, performing flux-core arc welding to Cougar Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles at Bagram, Afghanistan from October 2010 until October 2011 for Force Protection Industries.

Hired by Texas Veterans Commission February 2012 to work at the Austin Outpatient Clinic as a VSR-I.

May 2013, transferred to the Cedar Park CBOC to operate the facility as a single-counselor office.

September 2015 became the Supervisor of the Austin Outpatient Clinic (VSR-V), which until recently was the largest VA outpatient clinic in the United States.

March 2018 became the TVC Policy and Program Specialist working at the Austin TVC Headquarters office.

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When Love Hurts: A Woman's Guide to Understanding Abuse in Their Relationships
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When Love Hurts: Women in Abusive Relationships

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Advanced Consciousness Series: Respect for Life Within the Creator's Plan

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ROBBIE MARTIN - Journalist, Filmmaker and radio co-host with sister Abby Martin joins JP Sottile…

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Det David and Dr Lana Love speak to “horse whisperer” Anna Cunningham about equine abuse, horse…


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