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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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Mindset Meets Mastery Guest, Ken D Foster September 01, 2020
Business Coach, Author

Ken D. Foster brings over 35 years of expertise in personal and business development. He is a Visionary, Business Strategist, Best-Selling Author, and Syndicated Radio Host of the Voices of Courage Show.

Ken has Coached and Mentored hundreds of CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, Executives and Senior Professionals to take the courageous path, release their limitations, and free their spirit to bring in harmony, success, and bottom-line results to their businesses and lives. He specializes in working with people who are committed to generating their greatest dreams, up-leveling their lives and maximizing their highest potential, and he does this exceptionally well.

Ken has developed science-based, highly practical solutions for stimulating human potential in companies / or individuals who are seeking: personal balance, increased profitability, organizational productivity, time management skills, meditation techniques, systemic solutions and authentic team building communication. 

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, George Athanasopoulos August 28, 2020

From Wheat Ridge, Colorado

Chuck and Julie Show Guest, Patrick Neville August 28, 2020
Colorado State Representative

Patrick Neville is an American politician and a member of the Colorado House of Representatives from the 45th District, which includes much of Douglas County. A Republican, Neville currently serves as the Minority Leader of the House, having been elected to this position at the beginning of his second term in January 2017.

Know the Name Know the Answers Guest, Kellee White August 27, 2020
Spiritual Medium

What the Other Side Can Tell Us About 2020.


Kellee White, M.A., LMFT

Kellee-White-Spiritual-MediumKellee White is a licensed Psychotherapist and Spiritual Medium, practicing with celebrities, corporate executives, entrepreneurs, politicians as well as individuals, couples and families in her Beverly Hills, CA office. Her specialties involve her work with trauma, loss, grief counseling, changes and transitions, and fear of death. A major goal of Kellee’s therapy is to heal the soul which may include receiving a message from a loved one who has passed on to the other side. Also, Kellee works with individuals and groups to further enhance the growth of their soul. An hour with Kellee might well be the most exciting, informative, healing hour of your life!

A native of Los Angeles, Kellee climbed the corporate ladder as a senior executive. The Universe intervened in 2000 when Kellee suffered a traumatic brain injury that changed her life forever. Completely confused and not comprehending what was happening, Kellee found herself seeing and talking to “dead people.” Understanding her newly found gift and the journey she embarked upon is the subject of her nearly completed book. To further enhance her ability to help others she returned to graduate school and received her Master’s in Psychology with an emphasis on marriage family therapy.

A Night At The Roundtable Guest, Shirley Bolstok August 27, 2020
Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner, Psychic, DNA Activations

Shirley does very specific work called the Number “8” and I AM DNA Activations. She’s a certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner, works with past lives, mediumistic information, frequencies and some other modalities. She reads and works with each individual as a part of the collective consciousness and provides tools for your own ascension.

Shirley was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. Her parents were Holocaust Survivors. She has authored books such as "Apples from the tree of Life, Impassioned Soul, and Grapes from the Vines of Life." She is an energy healer, speaker, teacher as well as a medium who is able to connect with those on the other side and has spoken at the 11:11 and 12:12 Earth Star Conferences in and has been guest on numerous radio shows. She does very specific work called the Number "8" and I AM DNA Activations. Shirley is a certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner, works with past lives, mediumistic information, frequencies and some other modalities. Questions about various healing systems are also invited. She reads and works with each individual as a part of the collective consciousness. Her goal is to give each individual the tools to work with their own ascension and works with mapping within the Spiritual Physical and Emotional Bodies that lead to increased consciousness, abundance and awakening to our true selves.

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